WATCH OOOOUT!!!!!! OH BOY! Call 911! 1/19

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

YOU have got to watch this!!
It is a little funny but comrades on a very serious NOTE these folks could have been SERIOUSLY injured! PLEASE I know I harp on this but reminder: this is not a contest but a journey!!!! USE correct form at all times, Do NOT use more weight then what you are ready for! Before you pick up more weight try more reps...if that is too easy then use more weight but go up say 10-20%. If still unsure this is when you get a trainer or ask one of the professionals at your gym. Go to the library they have loads of books and video on teaching.
This includes yoga too! If you are not ready for a position don't do it! Folks improvement takes time! Build up! Yes DO challenge self but do not risk serious injury!!! Be responsible.
Happy muscles!



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    So one of the reasons I personally prefer machines over free weights is because the machine usually has a diagram of how you're supposed to do the exercise. If you just look at the guy on the side of the machine you usually don't screw it up.

    So yeah, yoga. "If you can't do the movement just sit in child's pose and cry to yourself quietly about how much it would hurt if you actually tried the movement."

    NOTE: All of these are completely fine in yoga. So much falling in yoga...
  • QueenGreb
    Why would no one help that old man!!!!! It is sad because people do these things in my gym, the row machine!!! I laughed so hard. hahah thank you.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    This is why I work with a trainer and hate machines other than a treadmill. I have the amazing ability to hurt myself on machines. I joined a gym, went through all the training with one of their people, decided to give it a shot so I go up to one of the machine, sit on it to see what position the seat is in, determine that I need to move it, get up off the chair, look at the directions on how to move the seat, twist the lever and go to move the seat and promptly feel a pain in my chest just below my shoulder that is bad enough I almost passed out, I was in enough pain that I ended up at my doctor's office, turns out I tore the pectoral muscle just by trying to move the seat!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I did not laugh much during the "Best Workout Fail Compilation" I was horrified. I could so see it happening to me. But I did chuckle at the "Yoga Fail" Mr. Aak you make me laugh.

    I will be careful, Garlic.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    This is why I work with a trainer and hate machines other than a treadmill. I have the amazing ability to hurt myself on machines. I joined a gym, went through all the training with one of their people, decided to give it a shot so I go up to one of the machine, sit on it to see what position the seat is in, determine that I need to move it, get up off the chair, look at the directions on how to move the seat, twist the lever and go to move the seat and promptly feel a pain in my chest just below my shoulder that is bad enough I almost passed out, I was in enough pain that I ended up at my doctor's office, turns out I tore the pectoral muscle just by trying to move the seat!

    Oh, no!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Does anyone have a favorite credible youtube page that has an extensive library of instructional exercise videos?

    I can find many exercise videos, but if I'm learning something new, I'm always afraid I'm going to pick the one that shows me the wrong form. (And how would I know, since the exercise is new to me, lol?)

    I've had trouble in the past by trying to do too much, too soon. Now I try to build up weight or repetition or time slowly. "Slow and steady wins the race," right? :smile:

    Have a great Sunday, everyone. No workout/yoga fails for us!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

    So yeah, yoga. "If you can't do the movement just sit in child's pose and cry to yourself quietly about how much it would hurt if you actually tried the movement."

    NOTE: All of these are completely fine in yoga. So much falling in yoga...

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA H A HA!