1/20/2013 How'd you all do?

Tell me how you did this week!


  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    worked out like a mutha****a. going to weigh in at the gym tomorrow morning and we'll see!
  • LilMrsSmarty
    LilMrsSmarty Posts: 17 Member
    Had a very stressful week and I somehow kept it on lock.
    I did some sort of workout each day and kept it under goal each day.
    Lost 1.4 lbs this past week- So, wonderful! =)
    Also went on my Sunday 5K run today that I have not done in over a month.
  • slimcakelady
    slimcakelady Posts: 81 Member
    Worked out 5 days this week, burned some good calories, stayed under my calories, and lost 3 pounds...I'd say it was an awesome week. Hope to do the same if not better this week. Enjoying the holiday off! Hope everyone has a GREAT week!!!
  • Boolahboo
    Boolahboo Posts: 73 Member
    Hello everyone! I just joined the group and wanted to say hi! I actually only have 10 weeks to get bikini ready. We are going to the carribean easter weekend!
    I did really good this week and lost 1.5lbs, so that's keeping me motivated!
  • Last couple of weeks very frustrated...worked out 5 days(30 min. cardio and strength training) and did not lose a pound. A trainer at my gym told me I needed to increase my daily calories, I was scared to do this, but increased it by 150. Surprise, dropped 2 1b.s.
  • taffymangos
    taffymangos Posts: 60 Member
    good morning everyone!!!!
    i weighed myself this morning and the scale didn't move :frown:, which is frustrating because i worked out hard last week.
    when i measured myself i saw some decreases in inches :happy: :happy:.
    so i guess i shouldnt be to upset because there was some improvement.:tongue:
  • Deebug60
    Deebug60 Posts: 62 Member
    I was not able to get to the gym as much as I wanted to last week. I did go down by a half pound (not bad concerning I only put in about half my normal time:ohwell: ). When I did my measurements my hips were a half inch smaller. :smile:
    So all in all it was a good week and this one is going to be a great one!
  • I had a fairly decent week. I dropped a pound, which put me down to 140 lbs. My eating was pretty good. I did not get in as many workouts as I would have liked, but overall, I can't complain! :)
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    I'm glad you're all doing verily well and keeping up with the group. :) Stay accountable ladies! We can do this I know for sure. I myself this week lost 4.5lbs. But I'm pretty sure that a lot of it was water weight but that's okay. Still nice to see that on the scale. I've been doing my best to eat well and work out. (Still need to work out more though) But I'll get there. Good luck to you ladies again for this coming week. :)
  • lwright311
    lwright311 Posts: 69 Member
    I am a little bummed that my weight loss has stalled. I think it is due to starting Supreme 90 workout and gaining muscle. As soon as I find my measuring tape, I will measure myself. Hopefully I will have lost inches. However, considering the kids had a four day weekend and were underfoot during every workout, I think I did well at least sticking with it everyday.
  • hbd512
    hbd512 Posts: 19
    Not doing super well! Just joined this group and am currently trying to get back on track. I got whatever has been going around, and although I'm tempted to work out, I may just settle for some walking outside instead of pushing myself hard! Good luck everyone!