I'm gluten intolerant - Not a Celiac



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    I have to watch my overall carb intake, so GF can be hard because most GF items are actually more carbs that wheat. So I have a tendency to just not eat a lot of bread/pasta in general.

    What I used to do was make small hamburger buns. They were very easy to put in a zip lock bag if I needed to take one with me. They are also great for sandwiches.

    However, I switched to WW and wanted something with less points and fewer carbs. My usual lunch now is a nice big salad made with lots of lettuce, fresh vegetables, a bit of protein of something and a 1/4 cup of quinoa. I love quinoa and highly recommend it. With all the talk about arsenic in rice, I've changed to quinoa. If I want a turkey hot dog for lunch though, I just wrap,it in lettuce. Perfectly fine for me.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    This is the recipe I use from The Gluten Free Homemaker. I use a large ice cream scoop to portion it and put them in a hamburger bun pan I bought on Amazon.com but tinfoil pot pie dishes work just fine. I get around a dozen small buns. I also make hot dog buns in a small sized french loaf pan.

    : Focaccia Bread and Hamburger Buns
    1 1/3 c. brown rice flour
    2/3 c. sweet rice flour
    1 c. tapioca starch or flour
    1 Tb. instant yeast
    2 tsp. unflavored gelatin
    1 Tb. xanthan gum
    1/2 tsp. onion powder (optional)
    1 1/2 tsp. salt
    2 tsp. sugar
    1 – 1 1/4 c. warm water
    4 eggs
    1/4 c. vegetable oil
    1 tsp. vinegar
    olive oil (optional)
    Italian seasoning (optional)
    coarse salt (optional)
    Mix the wet ingredients together in the bowl of your mixer using 1 cup of the water.
    Combine the flours, yeast, gelatin, xanthan gum, onion powder, salt, and sugar in a separate bowl.
    Add the dry ingredients to the mixing bowl and beat for 2 minutes. Add more water if it is too dry. The dough should be very soft and sticky.
    Transfer the dough to a greased pan. This recipe will fill a large cookie sheet. Or spoon into greased English muffin rings for buns.
    Let it rise in a warm place for 30 minutes.
    Optional: Brush the top of the dough with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and Italian seasoning. (Omit for hamburger buns.)
    Bake at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes. The top should be nicely browned.

    Update 8/24/11:  This week I tried adding 1 Tb. chia seed soaked in 1/4 cup water.  I didn’t change anything else.  It worked great and helped keep the bread even more moist, particularly after freezing.
  • busybee507
    You are all wonderful! I think I've friended all of you, but if I've missed someone feel free to send me a request. I try to be as supportive as I can and I am adding new GF friends daily to keep me on track. I'm on day 5 being 100% gluten free now and things are going well. I'm just trying to figure out what the heck to make for lunch today! LOL
  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member
    I think I'm with you. I'm testing gluten-free on the advice of my doc. We'll assess my food journal later this spring. I'm keeping symptom notes in the notes section...so I have my diary locked. It's just TMI for others to see! LOL

    I'm questioning dairy as well, based on my journal. But, I'm not sure and I can't wait to get back in with the doc and see what she says.

    Good luck in your quest!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hi MoniMoni and welcome.

    I don't eat dairy either. Lots of people with celiac disease can't have dairy either. Both my daughter and her daughter have celiac and dairy bothers them.

    Buy boy oh boy, I'd love an ice cream cone however we have a restaurant in the city that has fantastic chocolate sorbet. Good thing it's quite a drive from here LOL

    Have a great day,
