Introduce yourself

I'm Shannon. I'm 36 years old and started this venture at 276. I am now at 268 as of this morning :) (my high weight was 289 two years ago and I got down to 238 only to have back surgery and here I am back up ugh)
I am a mom of two great kids. A twelve year old boy, and a ten year old girl.
I'm married to a wonderful man, and we will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary in July.
I am a teacher. I teach 5th and 6th grade general music, and assist with band. I'm hoping to move to the junior high band position next year.
Oh, I am also a gamer. I play SWTOR where my husband and I run a Christian guild.
My weight has been a life long battle... and this time I'm gonna win!
Anything else you wanna know just ask!


  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Hi. I'm Dawn. I started at around 278, did Atkins for the first 10 pounds or so, and have been doing JUDDD ever since. I'm down to around 165 (bouncing up and down around this weight, and I'm playing with maintenance right now). I'm 5'9", 40 years old, and have thyroid disease (hypo).

    I've been married to my awesome husband for almost 10 years, and we have a charming, beautiful, smart as can be 8 year old daughter, Keira. She's in an IB school with advanced curriculum, gets straight A's, and is a member of her school's Student Council. Okay, I'm done bragging. =)

    DH and I are renewing our vows in April for our 10 year anniversary. We're going to do the super-cheesy Las Vegas Elvis thing. It'll be fun! I'd love to be maintaining easily by then.

    I've recently joined a gym and have been doing Zumba a couple times per week. I'm really enjoying it!
  • seeashleysave
    seeashleysave Posts: 38 Member
    Hey, I'm Ashley! I'm 27, and I've let weight define me for every one of those years.

    I started at 319 lbs in a size 24 busting out of the seams. Currently, I'm 233 lbs and looking to lose about 63 more.

    I work at as a trainer coordinator for a fortune 500 company which means I sit on my butt 8 hours a day. But, the good news is, I'm learning to love exercise. I've been running, walking, circuit training, and doing zumba pretty regularly. I average working out 6 times a week.

    Honestly, I feel like I'm in a weight loss groove, so right now I have no desire to cheat. Let's hope it holds up for awhile! :)
  • SquidandWhale
    Hi, I'm Melissa. I'm (almost) 29, and my starting weight was 289. I lost 20 two years ago, and have kept it off; however, now it's time to lose the rest of this blubber. I'm currently at 255 and have been stuck there for the past week. I know a lot of that has to do with water weight because I'm exercising, consistently below on my calorie allowance, and my measurements have gone down. Over the weekend I was able to zip up a jacket, albeit tightly, that I wasn't able to just before Christmas! As long as I pay attention more to measurements than the scale, I will do this.

    Right now I'm getting in shape with EA Sports Active 2. Once I finish my 9 weeks I'll hopefully be fit enough to start the couch25k program combined with some strength training I also walk my dogs, length depends on their need, and take them for hikes/rambles when the weather is nice.
  • sherrileedonpaul
    sherrileedonpaul Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ladies I'm Sherrilee I'm 50 years old. I'm a mom of 2 teens. My oldest is going to be 18 in just over a month and my youngest is 14 and a severe autistic with a very limited understanding and communication disorder. He can talk but doesn't understand that he needs to. I'm married to a sweet man, we will be married for 7 years this June. First marriage was not good and I packed on a lot of the weight I still carry then.
    I started out at 283 in June last year. I lost 18 pounds and then regained it and have finally lost that and more. We have totally changed our lifestyle and eating style. We had to. My husband (11 years my junior) went into a major health crisis...high blood pressure + diabetes + sleep apnea and it was all out of control. The doctor told him he was a ticking time bomb and needed to make some permanent changes or he'd drop dead suddenly of a stroke or heart attack.
    A friend of mine pointed me to a wonderful food blog by Maria Emmerich and we eat the way she has found success with personally and her clients. (She is a nutritionist and consults online, phone or Skype) We dropped the grains, stick with low sugar foods in general and get to eat lovely cheeses, don't eat sugar but use natural sweeteners like Stevia and Erythritol etc. I've lost over 30 pounds now and my husband has lost over 40. I find as long as I don't eat grain a lot of my allergy symptoms get alleviated, I have no cravings for carbs or sugar and we eat very healthy. My oldest son's acne has been clearing and he's suffered with that most of his teen years. I'm glad to be part of this group. Even happier that I finally figured out how to join! ;)