not sure if my cal burn is accurate

Just finnished day 2 of insanity and felt like dying:) I wear a heart monitor to measure my calories burnt. I am only 5'' and weighs 114 pounds and my HM showed that I only burnt 256 calories. Not sure if its accurate


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    HRM & HIITs are not the best of friends. The true benefit of doing a HIIT is the afterburn, your HR stays elevated at least 12 hours after the workout which keeps your metabolism elevated and you continue to burn more calories.

    So the HRM may be accurate for what you did in those 40 minutes but the true effect will be in the hours after you workout. This is one of the reasons why I don't wear my HRM when I do Insanity (plus I was gauging my performance based on what I burned, not best for my sanity).
  • jenbrenica
    Thank you for that. I haven't much clue about working out because I just started.:) All the best
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    You're short & small so that could be right. You're not going to burn what someone who's 6ft tall weighing twice as much as you is. I don't have a HRM, but I guesstimate that I probably don't burn that much more than you (I figure around 275-300; I'm 5'2" & 155.)
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I burned 477 with Max Plyo, Im 5'5", 152.
  • jenbrenica
    Thanks..I was confused because some people said they burn 500 to 1k cal. I'm on my third day and it is killing me already
  • Bonehead1104
    Bonehead1104 Posts: 12 Member
    Hang i there..I've complete it 3 times already...Its a cake walk now...! Good LucK