Growing your own

benmarcum Posts: 132 Member
So we all know that fresh produce is good for you, and we know that fresh always tasted better than trucked in. With that being said, who grows their own goodness?

I have a very small yard and have put in a small patch with tomatoes blackberries, normally some sort of pepper , some other misc something, planter boxes of herbs. I am thinking I am going to take out one of the flower beds this year and replace it with produce. I'm just not sure what yet.


  • alhunt8587
    My husband and I have been doing a garden for a few years now! It's so much healthier and you can really taste the difference. We don't use any pesticides or anything. We just tend to it every day. The best produce I've grown so far are Tomatoes, Cucumber, Zucchini, & Lettuce. You can do so many things with each of these, so it's a great start, especially for small spaces.

    Another thing I can recommend for small gardening spaces if vertical gardens. Grow up instead of out. You get so much more for a lot less space! And it looks pretty!! :)
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I did a super small one this year...I want to do a combo of a square foot garden and vertical garden this year ... found some good ideas on Pinterest :)
  • alhunt8587
    I did a super small one this year...I want to do a combo of a square foot garden and vertical garden this year ... found some good ideas on Pinterest :)

    Pinterest is pure heaven for gardeners!!!! :)