Healthy Resolutions

Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
Hey, guys! I hope you all are making good progress on your goals. I've decided to start a little topic here for us to talk about our non-scale related resolutions to be healthier. We all know everyone here is trying to drop a few pounds, but that isn't all there is to being healthy. What else are you doing to treat yourself better?

I'm making sure to get my 8 hours of beauty rest in. Sometimes that's really hard for a night owl like me!


  • I am making sure to get into bed early... so that I can get that beauty rest, as well.
    Also, I'm adding more fruits/veggies - even a few vegan meals, in order to broaden my food spectrum again.
  • This is related to the scale but also not, I've switched to organic, raw, and natural foods. Colon cancer runs on both sides of my family so cutting out processed foods has been a positive change for me, and will be in the long run. It has also made me drop pounds so easily and made me feel more energetic than ever! :)
  • This is related to the scale but also not, I've switched to organic, raw, and natural foods. Colon cancer runs on both sides of my family so cutting out processed foods has been a positive change for me, and will be in the long run. It has also made me drop pounds so easily and made me feel more energetic than ever! :)

    I'm sorry to hear that cancer runs in your family, but you are taking amazing steps to improve your health. You deserve a pat on the back for what you're doing. Way to go!!!! I know how hard a food transition can be. Nice job!
  • Thank you so much! :)