Injury Comebacks!

sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
Hello all!! My December 2012 and January 2013 miles were cut back tremendously thanks to a bad case of shin splints. After a week of no work, and lighter exercise load I am hopeful to return to running Saturday morning. I run with fleet feet's distance training group, and because of these splints have decided to focus on the half distance now and resume marathon for Fall.

What I need is some inspiration that a comeback will happen! I am thinking happy thoughts of half PRs and being back to the roads, but a little bit of me is afraid I may not get there of course. So...let's hear stories of awesome comebacks from anything and everything!!!!


  • danimal5867
    I don't really have a comeback story for you but I can give a bit of advice regarding shin splints. Most running injuries happen because of poor form. If you focus on running with a midfoot or forefoot strike you will allow the muscles and joints of your legs to work properly for absorbing shock. When you run with a heel strike type of stride there is too much force absorbed by the lower legs which leads to shin splints. I do most of my running in Altra Zero Drop shoes which really help me focus on a proper stride. Aside from some Achilles pain when I was adjusting to the new shoes I have been remarkably injury free for the last 350+ miles.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Here is my comeback: stress fracture in July and it was very painful, then I PR'd in early December in every distance (5K, 10K and Half Marathon) :happy: I felt stronger than ever. You can do it!!!! The best thing about running though it that it makes you feel so good, the glow just stays there for days! I love halfs, my next distance goal is going for a full, but I will take my time.

    EDIT: I also changed shoes, and I am more of a midfoot striker now ...