Men = chicken?

Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
I have recently joined the online dating world .. I live in a teeny tiny town without a lot of dating prospects.

Every single day I have had men message me, wink at me, favorite me, message me again .. and again .. even though I have never responded. I have a list of 65 men who put me in the "wants to date me chategory".

I have put up every different pic I could think of so they could see exactly who they were getting. Curly hair, straight hair, pony tail, baseball hat, body shots, etc.

WTF. Where are all these men in real life?? Could it be that men just don't have the guts to come up to me in person, but when they are SURE that I want to date they then can say hey? I even had one man tell me that he has seen me at my job and thought I was absolutely beautiful but didn't have the courage to talk to me. What gives. Are you men all chicken?


  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Everyone is cooler online
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    Everyone is cooler online

    Apparently, because they aren't so cool in person when they can't even say hi to a girl.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Everyone is cooler online

    I agree with this.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Everyone is cooler online

    So much cooler online that they made a song about it.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    Everyone is cooler online

    I agree with this.

    How many "packs" do you have going on there D?
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    You'd think they're creepy if they did it in person (these are men you said you aren't interested, remember?).

    Maybe you aren't like this, but a lot of women I know would get their jollies by rejecting them in person and then proceed to cut them up w/ their friends afterwards.

    Online saves them the embarrassment, so they can get a tad more brazen behind the compute screen.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Everyone is cooler online

    I agree with this.

    How many "packs" do you have going on there D?

    I have 8 on my stomach and a couple 6-packs in the fridge, so about 20 :laugh:
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Online saves them the embarrassment, so they can get a tad more brazen behind the compute screen.

    I agree with this. It's easier to send messages to a few women/like some profiles and see if there's a response instead of investing a lot of time in pursuing a woman and then being rejected to the face. Same thing for women online...easier for a man to just not respond to your message than to have him tell you in person that he's not interested for whatever reasons.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Maybe the majority of online dating male breed is a different type of person. Perhaps they like a more direct woman?
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Had a similar discussion last night with my 'Flirtationship' friend. We had been talking about my ex (there was drama there last night... uggh) and asked how we met. I admitted that every date I have ever had came online... that at some point, you stop flirting in real life when it NEVER pans out... and just go with what works.

    He then told me that he could guarantee there are men from my day to day life (past and present) who fantasize about me, but are too scared/intimidated to every say or do anything about it. He followed it up by telling me that I should try to be less conservative in public... that the men are there, they are interested... they're just too prideful to be rejected.

    So... there's your culprit, folks. The reason we are all single comes down to: Pride.

    Eh... it's a theory anyway.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Keep in mind that online dating is a casting call for two people who have just held up a sign saying "Looking for dating/relationship".
    Real life is not so clearly open as to intent with chance meetings,so to approach a person with no idea their current relationship status,possible chance of it being appreciated and then farther actually returned is going to create a thought process that a dating website does not have or even need.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Online saves them the embarrassment, so they can get a tad more brazen behind the compute screen.

    I agree with this. It's easier to send messages to a few women/like some profiles and see if there's a response instead of investing a lot of time in pursuing a woman and then being rejected to the face. Same thing for women online...easier for a man to just not respond to your message than to have him tell you in person that he's not interested for whatever reasons.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Maybe you aren't like this, but a lot of women I know would get their jollies by rejecting them in person and then proceed to cut them up w/ their friends afterwards.

    Yes, there are plenty of women like this.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Maybe you aren't like this, but a lot of women I know would get their jollies by rejecting them in person and then proceed to cut them up w/ their friends afterwards.

    Yes, there are plenty of women like this.

    Not that I particularly care for this type of lady, but isn't this part of the mating game? Isn't it our job (as the one approaching someone) to stand out of the crowd and do our little dance and show our plummage?
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member

    but isn't this part of the mating game? Isn't it our job (as the one approaching someone) to stand out of the crowd and do our little dance and show our plummage?

    EXACTLY! What the heck happened to the MEN. I don't think I give out the evil come near me and I will eat your face off vibe!
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member

    but isn't this part of the mating game? Isn't it our job (as the one approaching someone) to stand out of the crowd and do our little dance and show our plummage?

    EXACTLY! What the heck happened to the MEN. I don't think I give out the evil come near me and I will eat your face off vibe!

    I said "as the one approaching". I have no problem approaching a lady, but I happen to love agressive women that will approach me.

    As for what happened to that type of man, perhaps your body language is sending off a different signal than what you're intending to send off? I know I had to change my body language because I was closing myself off to open communication.
  • slap1225
    slap1225 Posts: 487 Member

    but isn't this part of the mating game? Isn't it our job (as the one approaching someone) to stand out of the crowd and do our little dance and show our plummage?

    EXACTLY! What the heck happened to the MEN. I don't think I give out the evil come near me and I will eat your face off vibe!
    Is the avatar too much? :)
    Normal men irl are very insecure, online you can put up a crazy pic and that is you! No insecurity or fear of rejection? Just a thought!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Nobody calls me chicken :mad:

    But seriously...yes. The majority of people online find it difficult to approach people in real life, that's why they're looking for dates online instead of the local supermarket.

    And why does this have to be about men? MOST women never..ever approach men...ever. And then they complain about being single. Those who live in glass houses...
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    but isn't this part of the mating game? Isn't it our job (as the one approaching someone) to stand out of the crowd and do our little dance and show our plummage?
    EXACTLY! What the heck happened to the MEN. I don't think I give out the evil come near me and I will eat your face off vibe!
    Personally, I don't really like women who are "waiting for men". I don't go towards these women.

    This is one of my major red flags, actually... In a few words, for me it means the girl is going to be boring and annoying.
    With this (passive) behaviour in the early stage, I expect the girl to be very passive in the future relationship (not a very fun person, never organising something crazy) and also very demanding (as I would be the "entertainer", the girl would always turn to me and asks "what should we do now?" and "say something fun").
    I feel a woman like this would drag me down.
  • slap1225
    slap1225 Posts: 487 Member
    In all fairness traditionally men are supposed to do the approaching after recieving subtle hints like flirty eyes, touches, flirty conversation etc... Disney has helped propell traditional social behavior, and most of us grew up loving Disney.
    When a man approaches a girl and just says something nice.. especially if it is not to date her or get in her pants, that is very flattering.