HOW are you getting FIT for delivery?

I'm new to this group and so excited to be in communication with new mommies or mommies to be who have a passion to stay fit during their pregnancy.
I'm really curious as to what everyone of you are doing on a day to day or weekly basis to stay fit? What are our routines, what get's you going?
I am 7 1/2 months along with our precious baby #2! We have a 21 month old that keeps me very busy... :)
Currently, I am running on a treadmill 4-6 days a week for about 20-35 minutes and lifting weights 3-5 days a week.
I feel pretty good, tired but good :)
How are you ladies doing? Where are you at now?

Happy Delivery!


  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 32 weeks and starting to slow down. I have just over 7 weeks until my c and I'm counting down the days. I'm still lifting 3-4 days a week, i do various cardio depending on how I'm feeling 4-6 days a week depending on the week and my travel schedule (I am traveling up to week 36 for work). Most of my cardio though is lap swimming. If I'm in town, I'm swimming laps at least 3 days per week and if I'm on the road, I'm only getting in 2 days. With the exception of swimming, my cardio intensity has really slowed in the last week or so.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    My first semester I wasn't allowed to work out due to complications so that has made it hard to get back into things b/c 3 months not working out is hard to get back into the groove not to mention added weight. So I've mostly been walking and doing some kalestetics (spelling). I'm 28 weeks so I'm working on adding in some labor specific extercises like squats and core exercises that are supposed to make delivery easier
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I plan to continue my pre pregnancy exercises as long as I can and it's okay with my doctor. Weightlifting plus softball (playing catch, batting practice, etc. with my husband)

    It's nice to hear you ladies are continuing with weightlifting. My doc said 2 things: at some point I would have to discontinue my bench press because I shouldn't lay on my back to exercise, and at another point "relax-in" would kick in and I could risk pulling something right out of joint.

    Are you worried about the relax-in?
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    I plan to continue my pre pregnancy exercises as long as I can and it's okay with my doctor. Weightlifting plus softball (playing catch, batting practice, etc. with my husband)

    It's nice to hear you ladies are continuing with weightlifting. My doc said 2 things: at some point I would have to discontinue my bench press because I shouldn't lay on my back to exercise, and at another point "relax-in" would kick in and I could risk pulling something right out of joint.

    Are you worried about the relax-in?

    I quit my bench press around 20 weeks. Actually I quit all lying on my back exercises then. I could tell it was time. And as far as the relax-in thing, no I'm not worried necessarily. I'm much more conscious about how I lift and make sure to take everything slowly and carefully stretch, but it doesn't worry me. I just use more precaution the bigger I get.
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    I was pretty immobile my first trimester, just the typical walking at work. I had a bleed about 1.5 months in and it really freaked me out, turns out it's placenta previa.

    I stepped it up again starting trimester 2, got back on MFP to log and I tried to be active 3x per week.
    Here's what I'm trying to stick with:
    Gym on Mondays - minimum of 30 on a treadmill at a brisk pace, light lifting for arms (10lbs)
    Prenantal Yoga on Tuesdays - the class is about 90mins and I LOVE it!
    Swimming on Thursdays - back to my gym to do laps, 30 mins min

    I want to do more but it worries me, don't want to push too hard. I rather be consistent and this I know I can stick with.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I'm happy someone started a thread about fitness, given that this is a "FIT, fabulous, & pregnant" group! It's interesting to hear what other people are doing and at what point you are having to alter or curtail your activities.

    As for myself, I had a VERY difficult first tri/early second tri with major nausea and exhaustion, and then a surprise appendectomy. I managed to continue swimming with my master's team until the appendectomy, although I got slower and slower. I was desperate to find something I could do that wouldn't aggravate the nausea.

    At around 22 weeks, I started to feel good again and began swimming on my own. Now I am swimming on my own 3-4 times a week: 2700-3000 yds. I try to include some IM and a short sprint set each time. Flip turns can hurt if I push at all from my abdomen. I also did my first run since month 2. OMG I felt ecstatic, even though it was slow and a bit uncomfortable. I'm hoping to do more running while I still can.

    I am also doing prenatal yoga 3-4 times a week, and here's where I'd be curious to hear from all of you who have done yoga before getting pregnant, or have found yoga useful in a previous delivery. In fact, I'm going to start a new thread on this because I think a lot of women are trying this and we likely have a lot to share about it!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    I plan to continue my pre pregnancy exercises as long as I can and it's okay with my doctor. Weightlifting plus softball (playing catch, batting practice, etc. with my husband)

    It's nice to hear you ladies are continuing with weightlifting. My doc said 2 things: at some point I would have to discontinue my bench press because I shouldn't lay on my back to exercise, and at another point "relax-in" would kick in and I could risk pulling something right out of joint.

    Are you worried about the relax-in?

    I quit my bench press around 20 weeks. Actually I quit all lying on my back exercises then. I could tell it was time. And as far as the relax-in thing, no I'm not worried necessarily. I'm much more conscious about how I lift and make sure to take everything slowly and carefully stretch, but it doesn't worry me. I just use more precaution the bigger I get.

    Same with me - I've cut down lifting to 2-3x a week, but am actually still doing bench in a circuit setting (laying down for no longer than 60 secs). I have changed some exercises due to the relaxin -- for example, lateral hip-driven movements feel really weird these days, so I just make them less dynamic. I've also stopped with all forms of split squat lunging. Too much uterus tugging with those bad boys. Other than that, like acampbe2umd said, I feel pretty comfortable just listening to my body re: relaxin.

    All you ladies are awesome.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    I'm happy someone started a thread about fitness, given that this is a "FIT, fabulous, & pregnant" group! It's interesting to hear what other people are doing and at what point you are having to alter or curtail your activities.

    As for myself, I had a VERY difficult first tri/early second tri with major nausea and exhaustion, and then a surprise appendectomy. I managed to continue swimming with my master's team until the appendectomy, although I got slower and slower. I was desperate to find something I could do that wouldn't aggravate the nausea.

    At around 22 weeks, I started to feel good again and began swimming on my own. Now I am swimming on my own 3-4 times a week: 2700-3000 yds. I try to include some IM and a short sprint set each time. Flip turns can hurt if I push at all from my abdomen. I also did my first run since month 2. OMG I felt ecstatic, even though it was slow and a bit uncomfortable. I'm hoping to do more running while I still can.

    I am also doing prenatal yoga 3-4 times a week, and here's where I'd be curious to hear from all of you who have done yoga before getting pregnant, or have found yoga useful in a previous delivery. In fact, I'm going to start a new thread on this because I think a lot of women are trying this and we likely have a lot to share about it!

    Laser - I'm so impressed with your swimming! That's great!!

    And what is it about 22 weeks? I've felt great this week! I'll keep an eye out for the yoga thread, you know I'm trying the prenatal thing along with you. :wink:
  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm in my 25th week. Due to contractions, my doctor doesn't even want me to exercise. I will walk some, but activity starts up the contractions. So I'm really preparing by eating right and taking care of me. Doing good stretches in the morning and at night (which help with the back aches)
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I forgot to say that I already had to modify my lifting and stop using any of the machines that press against my chest because it hurt my boobs so much!

    That is so cool about the swimming, I wish I was already a swimmer, I may take a few relaxing dips sometime soon. I would probably take it easy because I am not a swimmer though.

    There is a cool machine at my gym, I think it is called "cable-cross"? I used it for my rear delt workout the other night and plan to try it for any other exercises that I used to sit at a machine where my chest would touch it.

    When do they stop hurting by the way? Or is that a full pregnancy symptom?
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I do light weights and calisthenics 2x/week and then cardio 3x/week. It's been difficult due to dehydration issues from excessive vomiting--dehydration makes me sluggish and gives me headaches too!

    I'll need to start doing more stretching and squats!
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    That is so awesome ladies!! All of you are doing great!!
    I really encourage everyone to keep it up! I am convinced too many women are afraid to do anything and it ends up really hurting them in the end. The benefits FAR outweigh the negatives!

    With my first pregnancy, I continued to lift weights, pretty heavy (..but definitely not as heavy as normal) 3-5 days a week and walking every day up until the day before my delivery! I was careful not to do any bench presses or anything on my back, but continued pretty much everything else. I ended up having an emergency C-Section (total bummer! But at least my little boy was healthy!!) and I am SO thankful that I stayed so active during the entire pregnancy because it really took it out of me to not be able to do anything for 6 weeks after the C-Section.

    I am praying that I will be able to do a VBAC but I'll be prepared for anything, as long as my little one is healthy :) Lord willing :)
    I've informally 'interviewed' MANY women, nurses and doctors about their thoughts and experiences with women who stay active during their pregnancy, verses women who do not. It's EVIDENT that the deliveries of active women are MUCH faster, and the babies are usually all very healthy.

    There is always a fear of an underweight baby, which my doctor did warn me that women who run throughout their pregnancy tend to have smaller babies, but not enough evidence to cause alarm or reason to stop running. He encouraged me to continue as long as I am not 'pushing' myself.. My first born was one week early and weighed only 5.2 lbs. even though I did not run and I myself, weighed 12 lbs. when I was born!! My poor mother!! My little guy was small, but perfectly healthy. He gained weight quickly and is definitely very healthy now :)

    SO, I just want to encourage you to keep going!
    Babies should be a REASON to stay in shape, not an excuse to quit!!

    Let's do this!! We've got a BIG day ahead of us and it's approaching quickly!!

    God bless!!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Some tips on swimming and water workouts for non-swimmers or people who don't/can't do laps:

    On the days when the lap lanes are full of inconsiderate swimmers (who don't know lane etiquette and thoughtlessly collide with other swimmers), I head over to the shallow area and run vigorously in the water in wide circles the length of the shallow end. I usually try to "sprint" for some part of the circle. Sometimes I remember to take my hand paddles, and let me tell you, this is an AMAZING workout. After just 15-20 minutes, I can be pretty wiped out, and I am an endurance athlete with multiple marathons under my belt!

    Another option is to use a water belt (maybe called a weight belt, I don't know) and "run" in the deep end with that. I will probably be doing this a lot more towards the end when I am bigger if the shallow end workout becomes too jarring.

    I heard that the Stanford running teams do a water workout once a week or every two weeks, so it's definitely solid cardio conditioning.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I forgot to say that I already had to modify my lifting and stop using any of the machines that press against my chest because it hurt my boobs so much!

    That is so cool about the swimming, I wish I was already a swimmer, I may take a few relaxing dips sometime soon. I would probably take it easy because I am not a swimmer though.

    There is a cool machine at my gym, I think it is called "cable-cross"? I used it for my rear delt workout the other night and plan to try it for any other exercises that I used to sit at a machine where my chest would touch it.

    When do they stop hurting by the way? Or is that a full pregnancy symptom?
    It varies by woman, but mine stopped hurting at the end of my first trimester and haven't really hurt since then. I have noticed they've gotten slightly bigger, but I have a feeling they're as big as they're going to get until my milk comes in after delivery. Good luck!
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I've been a runner since high school, and did a half marathon and several other races up until a couple of years ago. My workouts had to change though because I was living in a country where it wasn't safe/normal for a woman to run outside (that was definitely one of the hardest things for me to get used to!!). So right up until I got pregnant I was doing insanity/P90x since I could do that indoors, and I would go for a shorter run with my husband when he was able to go with me. Again my workouts changed completely because I was afraid that insanity included too much jumping and gets your heart rate up too high.

    I'm 24 weeks (and back in the USA), and for now my workouts have been long walks with about 15 minutes of jogging mixed in. (about 45 min to an hour total). On some days I do prenatal yoga instead, and I also love the kenpo workout from P90x, with occasional modifications. If you worked out before pregnancy it's a great work out....low impact and great for strength and flexibility without using weights.

    I've realized that it's definitely a good idea to find a really good sports bra!! Mine have hurt off and on pretty much the whole pregnancy....somehow that is where most of my pregnancy weight has gone, there and to my belly! Does anyone have recommendations of supportive and comfortable sports bras for workouts during pregnancy (not necessarily maternity)?
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    Check out for a good sports bra! They have really good ones, and they have a great return policy if they don't work out or you need to try one.
    You're so right, a good support sports bra is priceless while your exercising and pregnant!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I kept up with mostly swimming and a lot of walking. Early on, I was jogging a lot, but unfortunately, it got really uncomfortable jog after about 5 months.

    I'm almost 37 weeks now, and I'm pretty much down to just walking. Ever since he dropped at 32 weeks, it's been really difficult to workout with any intensity.

    I'm almost there though! :smile:

    Looking forward to getting back to my kickass workouts in a little while.
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    I kept up with mostly swimming and a lot of walking. Early on, I was jogging a lot, but unfortunately, it got really uncomfortable jog after about 5 months.

    I'm almost 37 weeks now, and I'm pretty much down to just walking. Ever since he dropped at 32 weeks, it's been really difficult to workout with any intensity.

    I'm almost there though! :smile:

    Looking forward to getting back to my kickass workouts in a little while.

    37 weeks!! Alright!! You're getting close!! Keep us posted!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    37 weeks!! Alright!! You're getting close!! Keep us posted!

    37 weeks today! *fingers crossed*

    Now we just have the waiting game to play! :)
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    37 weeks!! Alright!! You're getting close!! Keep us posted!

    37 weeks today! *fingers crossed*

    Now we just have the waiting game to play! :)

    Exciting!!!! :smile:

    I like my Fiona sports bra from Moving Comfort..... Lulelemon TaTaTamer is really supportive too,

    I've been slacking big time since being in the US. Starting up again, walking an hour day......also will add back in weights and my Prenatal DVD's.

    Keep up the good work ladies!