In love with food

bell223 Posts: 3 Member
So of course like everyone I want to loose weight for my new year resolution but the one problem is, is that I absolutly love food. I love to cook, I love mexican, chocolate, ice cream, and pizza. I want this weight loss very badly but when it comes to the chance of eating mexican or getting a pizza so I dont have to cook or just having that lazy night snack of ice cream or chocolate I go back to that yucky feeling. I just dont know what to do to make this any easier. Thoughts or Ideas?


  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    I love food also and used to struggle with waking up feeling gross because of what I ate the night before.
    I also love to cook and I had trouble with bad late night snacks. My advice would be to slowly add healthier foods to your diet. Start buying more fresh fruits and veggies, and fewer processed and boxed foods. The fewer bad foods you have in your house, the less you will eat them! If you love to cook, make healthy substitutions.
    For example, I also LOVE mexican food. Instead of sour cream, I use Greek Yogurt. It tastes pretty much the same and is more versatile. You can put it on tacos and in smoothies, or substitute it for mayo in some cases. You eat it at night for a snack with some honey, fresh fruit, granola, chocolate chips...
    For pizza if I make it myself, I try to use veggies instead of meats, and make my own whole wheat crust.
    I've also found that sometimes a bowl of cereal at night is a good snack. Or fresh popped popcorn with a little parmesan cheese.
    That being said, I don't deprive myself. If everyone is eating pizza, I have a couple slices! Its all about moderation. Plus, if you are eating healthier at home, you have more wiggle room for special occasions or nights out with friends.
    But like I said- start slow. That's what I did :) Good luck!