birthing "atmosphere"



  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?

    - "Mellow music": aka. New Soul (Yaim), Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Iz), Wonderful World, Smile (Michael Jackson), Blessings (Laura Story), songs from Francesca Battistelli, Come What May (Moulin Rouge)...are some, I know, kind of a weird mix. lol.

    How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?
    -Just my hubby.

    do you want it well lit or not many people?
    -low light until baby comes, they turn on the bright lights for medical reasons I guess.

    Are you bringing anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?
    -Hm. I brought my body pillow...they don't always have the best pillow support! Also, some essential oils that are supposed to make labor progress faster + they smell good!

    Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?
    -Hospital stuff.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?

    - "Mellow music": aka. New Soul (Yaim), Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Iz), Wonderful World, Smile (Michael Jackson), Blessings (Laura Story), songs from Francesca Battistelli, Come What May (Moulin Rouge)...are some, I know, kind of a weird mix. lol.

    How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?
    -Just my hubby.

    do you want it well lit or not many people?
    -low light until baby comes, they turn on the bright lights for medical reasons I guess.

    Are you bringing anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?
    -Hm. I brought my body pillow...they don't always have the best pillow support! Also, some essential oils that are supposed to make labor progress faster + they smell good!

    Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?
    -Hospital stuff.

    I :heart: Francesca Battistelli....I think I'm going to have to put some of her music on my play list. I think I'm going to have two playlists a mellow one and a pump you up one. I figured that when I'm running I really like to pump it up at the end so I might want something a little more powerful for active labor....and I think I need "push it" on there just to make me giggle
  • heidibowling
    heidibowling Posts: 35 Member
    With my first I stayed at home until I couldn't take it anymore and had her 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It was perfect!

    That sounds so wonderful!! With my first I was induced at 41 weeks and the pitocin was awful and I was hooked up to monitors and stuck to the bed all day and it was simply miserable. I am SO hoping that this little guy makes an appearance on his own before he gets too big and it goes past the due date and they feel they need to induce me again. I just want to stay home with my husband and relax in the tub or shower and wander around and just "be" until I absolutely have to go to the hospital.
  • heidibowling
    heidibowling Posts: 35 Member
    I :heart: Francesca Battistelli....I think I'm going to have to put some of her music on my play list. I think I'm going to have two playlists a mellow one and a pump you up one. I figured that when I'm running I really like to pump it up at the end so I might want something a little more powerful for active labor....and I think I need "push it" on there just to make me giggle

    Oh yeah... "Push it" is totally required. :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Wanting a natural labor but knowing my insurance will only cover a hospital birth I have been doing a lot of reading. If any of you are seeking a natural birth but need to use a hospital I would check out "Natural Hospital Birth" I can't remember the name of the author right now but she is a Doula and anthropologist. She talks about how to write your birth plan, and all sorts of other stuff I haven't gotten to yet. I'm also reading "Your Best Birth" by Rikki Lake, I haven't gotten far in that because I'm engrossed in the other book but it seems to be a good read also. Anyway, one of the things mentioned is to write down you ideal birth (if there were absolutely no limits, meaning you could give birth in a different country should you so desire, and then telaport to recover in another location), she also mentions having a medical birth plan for the hospital staff and another for friends and family that will be involved. I think this is a great idea! Especially because I want my mom and Sister around but not in the room while I'm actually delivering, I feel like talking over a birth plan with them before hand will help make that clear so they can understand that I want it to just be me and the hubs during active labor and for the hour or so following.

    i'm so glad many of you mentioned not announcing it until you are ready. There are probably a few people I will ask my sis to call (like my Dad and bro) to let them know I'm in labor but I'm definitely thinking a "no cell phone" rule in my room and I'll be letting people know my phone is going to be off until I return from the hospital.

    I'm thinking of making my own gown. I want to feel pretty not frumpy or like it's too "hospital-y" anyone have experience with that? I guess I need to check and make sure they will let me wear my own clothes first. I don't know about all of you but I'm getting super excited! I just keep daydreaming about what my experience could be like and holding my baby girl...lately I've been feeling like it's going to turn out "she" is a "he" but I don't think I need to worry about that it seemed pretty evident it was a girl in the ultrasound
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Wanting a natural labor but knowing my insurance will only cover a hospital birth I have been doing a lot of reading. If any of you are seeking a natural birth but need to use a hospital I would check out "Natural Hospital Birth" I can't remember the name of the author right now but she is a Doula and anthropologist. She talks about how to write your birth plan, and all sorts of other stuff I haven't gotten to yet.
    I also highly recommend this book. It's by Cynthia Gabriel and I have it on my Kindle, I love it!
    i'm so glad many of you mentioned not announcing it until you are ready. There are probably a few people I will ask my sis to call (like my Dad and bro) to let them know I'm in labor but I'm definitely thinking a "no cell phone" rule in my room and I'll be letting people know my phone is going to be off until I return from the hospital.
    I'm going to end up doing this too. I also disabled "Timeline" comments on my Facebook until well after he's born.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    With my first I stayed at home until I couldn't take it anymore and had her 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It was perfect!

    That sounds so wonderful!! With my first I was induced at 41 weeks and the pitocin was awful and I was hooked up to monitors and stuck to the bed all day and it was simply miserable. I am SO hoping that this little guy makes an appearance on his own before he gets too big and it goes past the due date and they feel they need to induce me again. I just want to stay home with my husband and relax in the tub or shower and wander around and just "be" until I absolutely have to go to the hospital.

    It really was great. I woke up at 6 am in labour and didn't go to hospital until 7:30 pm. I spent the day in the bathtub, napping, walking around to help with the contractions, eating whatever i wanted. I was 4 days early but I have a feeling I'll be late this time. They don't recommend induction in the UK until you get to 42 weeks.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    With my first I stayed at home until I couldn't take it anymore and had her 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It was perfect!

    That sounds so wonderful!! With my first I was induced at 41 weeks and the pitocin was awful and I was hooked up to monitors and stuck to the bed all day and it was simply miserable. I am SO hoping that this little guy makes an appearance on his own before he gets too big and it goes past the due date and they feel they need to induce me again. I just want to stay home with my husband and relax in the tub or shower and wander around and just "be" until I absolutely have to go to the hospital.

    It really was great. I woke up at 6 am in labour and didn't go to hospital until 7:30 pm. I spent the day in the bathtub, napping, walking around to help with the contractions, eating whatever i wanted. I was 4 days early but I have a feeling I'll be late this time. They don't recommend induction in the UK until you get to 42 weeks.

    I think its crazy that in the UK they don't induce until 42 weeks but here they will do it at 39 weeks if you want and all the doctors I have talked to don't want you to go past 41 weeks....can't wait to meet with this midwife and see what her thoughts are
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    With my first I stayed at home until I couldn't take it anymore and had her 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It was perfect!

    That sounds so wonderful!! With my first I was induced at 41 weeks and the pitocin was awful and I was hooked up to monitors and stuck to the bed all day and it was simply miserable. I am SO hoping that this little guy makes an appearance on his own before he gets too big and it goes past the due date and they feel they need to induce me again. I just want to stay home with my husband and relax in the tub or shower and wander around and just "be" until I absolutely have to go to the hospital.

    It really was great. I woke up at 6 am in labour and didn't go to hospital until 7:30 pm. I spent the day in the bathtub, napping, walking around to help with the contractions, eating whatever i wanted. I was 4 days early but I have a feeling I'll be late this time. They don't recommend induction in the UK until you get to 42 weeks.

    I think its crazy that in the UK they don't induce until 42 weeks but here they will do it at 39 weeks if you want and all the doctors I have talked to don't want you to go past 41 weeks....can't wait to meet with this midwife and see what her thoughts are

    Yeah, I'll be interested to hear what they tell you, too. I remember going for my 38-week appointment, and my OB told me that at my next appointment (39 weeks) we would discuss induction. I went into labor on my own at 38.5 weeks, but my sister was induced at 39.5 (by the same OB) because she had what they thought was crippling sciatica. At the hospital they were surprised to see someone coming in for an induction before they hit 40 weeks, which is comforting. (It turns out my sister had a slipped disc, not sciatica, so she had to have back surgery three weeks postpartum so as to avoid permanent nerve damage.)

    Edited to fix the quote boxes :tongue:
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Do you have a playlist? If so what's on it?

    Not yet...I've been listening to different things trying to decide on what I want. I think this morning I want to make a mostly "mellow" mix. Shane and Shane is like my fave (acoustic guitar/folkish Christian music), but going to pull in others as well. With my last labor, I had a mellow mix and an upbeat mix, and I found that for me, I couldn't concentrate with the upbeat stuff. It'll still be on my phone if I change my mind, but going to focus on the mellow for now.

    How many people are you going to have with you? who are they?

    Just my husband. That's the way I wanted it last time, but my mom came in from out of state before ds arrived and asked very nicely if she could be there (I'm her only daughter, she wanted the experience). I love my mom and while she was mostly "wallpaper", her presence was still a little distracting for me. This time around, I'm trying to plan it so she doesn't arrive until after the birth, but even if she arrives before I'll put her on grandma duty for ds. :)

    do you want it well lit or not many people?

    I'm going to try to dim the hospital lighting while I'm there. I plan on doing most of my labor at home, so I'll have dim lighting and candles. I only wish the hospital would let me bring candles!!!! lol. Oh well. I'm going to bring stepdaughter's ipod dock - it lights up to different colors but I can choose a color.

    Are you brining anything with you to make yourself more comfortable?
    My iphone for music (I'll have it on airplane mode), ipod dock, my own pillow, pajamas/comfy clothes for the hospital stay, and snacks.

    Are you going to use the hospital gown or your own clothes?

    For laboring I will use 2 hospital gowns. (one to wear regularly, and one to wear backwards so it's like a robe). If I can get into the room with the birthing tub, I'll have my swimsuit top.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I also disabled "Timeline" comments on my Facebook until well after he's born.

    I was going to just sign off of facebook at around 39 weeks with an announcement such as "I'm signing off of facebook until after the birth. As soon as there's something to tell you, I'll sign back on and let you know", but the disabling comments --- that's an even better idea! (Maybe I'll do a combination of both).
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    With my first I stayed at home until I couldn't take it anymore and had her 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It was perfect!

    That sounds so wonderful!! With my first I was induced at 41 weeks and the pitocin was awful and I was hooked up to monitors and stuck to the bed all day and it was simply miserable. I am SO hoping that this little guy makes an appearance on his own before he gets too big and it goes past the due date and they feel they need to induce me again. I just want to stay home with my husband and relax in the tub or shower and wander around and just "be" until I absolutely have to go to the hospital.

    It really was great. I woke up at 6 am in labour and didn't go to hospital until 7:30 pm. I spent the day in the bathtub, napping, walking around to help with the contractions, eating whatever i wanted. I was 4 days early but I have a feeling I'll be late this time. They don't recommend induction in the UK until you get to 42 weeks.

    I think its crazy that in the UK they don't induce until 42 weeks but here they will do it at 39 weeks if you want and all the doctors I have talked to don't want you to go past 41 weeks....can't wait to meet with this midwife and see what her thoughts are
    My midwife says she won't even bring up the topic of inductions until my 41-week appt if I still happen to be pregnant by then. She's also said she's comfortable letting me go 41w5d before doing anything; granted I'll have to get a stress test 1-2 times a week, but that doesn't bother me any. Doesn't surprise me that the UK waits until 42-weeks; the average non-induced delivery for a FTM is 41w1d, and most deliveries in the UK from what I understand are attended by midwives which with their training are more comfortable waiting longer to the baby to come on its own than an American OB.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I also disabled "Timeline" comments on my Facebook until well after he's born.

    I was going to just sign off of facebook at around 39 weeks with an announcement such as "I'm signing off of facebook until after the birth. As soon as there's something to tell you, I'll sign back on and let you know", but the disabling comments --- that's an even better idea! (Maybe I'll do a combination of both).

    agreed! I hadn't thought of this but I think I might do it too! ;)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    With my first I stayed at home until I couldn't take it anymore and had her 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It was perfect!

    That sounds so wonderful!! With my first I was induced at 41 weeks and the pitocin was awful and I was hooked up to monitors and stuck to the bed all day and it was simply miserable. I am SO hoping that this little guy makes an appearance on his own before he gets too big and it goes past the due date and they feel they need to induce me again. I just want to stay home with my husband and relax in the tub or shower and wander around and just "be" until I absolutely have to go to the hospital.

    It really was great. I woke up at 6 am in labour and didn't go to hospital until 7:30 pm. I spent the day in the bathtub, napping, walking around to help with the contractions, eating whatever i wanted. I was 4 days early but I have a feeling I'll be late this time. They don't recommend induction in the UK until you get to 42 weeks.

    I think its crazy that in the UK they don't induce until 42 weeks but here they will do it at 39 weeks if you want and all the doctors I have talked to don't want you to go past 41 weeks....can't wait to meet with this midwife and see what her thoughts are
    My midwife says she won't even bring up the topic of inductions until my 41-week appt if I still happen to be pregnant by then. She's also said she's comfortable letting me go 41w5d before doing anything; granted I'll have to get a stress test 1-2 times a week, but that doesn't bother me any. Doesn't surprise me that the UK waits until 42-weeks; the average non-induced delivery for a FTM is 41w1d, and most deliveries in the UK from what I understand are attended by midwives which with their training are more comfortable waiting longer to the baby to come on its own than an American OB.

    My friend's doc was pushing her to schedule an induction...I'm not sure how far along she was but they kept insisting so she scheduled it but didn't show up. I think I would consider this. My doc said he wouldn't want me to go past a week but if I insisted then he would monitor me and allow me to go longer. I'm glad that even though he doesn't love my ideas he's willing to give them a try