Eating more while breasfeeding

zeeali82 Posts: 4 Member
Hi!! I am 30 years old with 6 years old and 5 months old boy. I need to lose 25 pounds but I am not losing single pound yet. I had gained 20 pounds during pregnancy and all of it plus 5 more is still to lose. I ebf my baby and may be that's why I am always lying down or sitting to feed him. I need to make new friends to motivate me since my family is not a big help. They call me fat and I guess it is hurting my self esteem. I don't know where to start.


  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Okay, first of all, it is not okay for anyone to call you fat. Especially when you have just had a baby. That's insensitive and mean.

    Among the other breastfeeding moms I know, some of us lose weight fast while breastfeeding and some of us don't. Who knows why.

    The important thing is to make sure you are eating enough to keep a good milk supply going. I can't see your food diary to offer any suggestions. Maybe open your diary and we can give you some advice.

    Sometimes I feel chained to my rocking chair, but I make sure I get out for exercise. It's good for your mental health. Even short walks with the baby can make a big difference.

    Be healthy for you and your little ones, and don't let your family bring you down!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    It's true- I've been stuck for a while, then I increased my calories a bit and lost weight. Still not losing as fast as other breastfeeding moms- but at least I know I'm being healthy/getting endorphins when I work out.

    Don't let anyone's comments affect the way you feel about YOU. You just carried a living being and are sustaining it's life as we speak. That's pretty freakin' amazing. Eat right, exercise, and don't get too down if you don't see immediate results. It WILL happen. (I'm speaking to myself too:))
  • IoTheo
    IoTheo Posts: 24 Member
    I'm the faty!!! I gained 50p during my first pregnency and 40p during my second :P
    Now, after a year, I'm slimer than before I got pregnant.
    Give yourself time SLEEP well EAT well and everything will fall into place.
    Don't forget to hugg and kiss yourbaby.