
Hi, I'm Brit! Also known as ;P
I'm 25 years old and live in San Diego, CA.

HW/Original start weight: 252lbs
Re-SW: 228lbs (re-started my lifestyle change on January 8th).
CW: 221lbs
GW: Healthy! Whatever that means for my frame :)

-Lose body fat! I'm more concerned about losing body fat than pounds.
-Start running again.
-Practice yoga.
-Improve my posture.
-See my "goals" page on my tumblr for more specific, in-depth goals.

-I've got lame kidneys that hurt all the time. I get kidney stones so I have to drink a lot of water (not that I'm complaining) and watch what I eat.
-I'm anemic, so I'm almost always tired. Working on getting my iron intake up, though!

I love punk music (pop punk and hardcore punk)! So I love going to shows with my boyfriend. I'm a big Harry Potter fan and I love reading. I'm a college graduate but I'm not doing anything in my field. I really want to go back to college and get a degree in psychology. After completing my schooling, I'd like to eventually open up a non-profit youth center/venue that offers creative arts programs and psychological services in a secular environment! :D

I look forward to getting to know you guys and supporting each other on our journeys!


  • stphy
    stphy Posts: 1
    Hi Brit! I'm going to follow the format you used! You can all call me Steph! My tumblr is
    I'm 20 years old, and currently live near San Francisco, CA! I'll be going back to NJ for school in a few months though.

    HW: 150 lbs
    SW: 135 lbs (I actually got to 125 lbs before I started gaining again)
    CW: 128 lbs (I restarted in December!)
    GW: 105-110 lbs (but I'll be happy when my tummy's flat)

    -Learn moderation! I tend to eat a lot!
    -Lose fat, especially from my stomach area - my biggest insecurity and trouble area
    -Develop a love for exercise. I've been running for a few years now and I still don't look forward to it!
    -Get toned! I hate doing strength training, but muscle burns more calories and looks great.

    -I have a huge tendency to binge. Late-night stress binges are what got me to my highest weight. Once I would start, I wouldn't be able to stop until I ate everything in sight. It felt good, and it was numbing, but the guilt afterwards was terrible. I still struggle with the occasional binge. My weight's going down but my frequent binges really slow down the progress. Costco samples are my weakness! I have no fear of going for seconds or thirds (or even fourths). Parties, too. I usually run out of things to say and end up eating everything. This is why I keep junk out of the house!
    -I have bipolar disorder. When I had to take anti-psychotics for a few weeks, I gained major weight. Now I'm just on a mood-stabilizer, but I do miss my "highs" when I would have no appetite at all.
    -I was recently plagued with severe acne. My skin used to be in control with prescription topicals, but suddenly NOTHING, not even antibiotics are working. I'm going to use Accutane soon, which I've heard raises your lipid levels. I'll probably have to start eating less fat soon!
    -I have a very rigorous course load (well, not now, but when I go back to school I will). This leaves me with less time for exercise makes me more stressed out and binge-prone.

    -I love Neopets! I go on when I'm procrastinating or when I'm bored.
    -Jeremiah is one of my favorite Tumblr bloggers
    -I'm a hardcore Fall Out Boy fan! I don't like their first album but their last two are great.
    -I'm studying to become a pharmacist
    -I love books and reading! Recently, I've read all the John Green books and I'm stoked for the new Delirium book! If you've got any suggestions, please let me know!

    Thanks for reading :) I think I wrote a bit much though!
  • Hi! I'm Bridget. I'm
    I'm 27 and I live in Vancouver, BC.

    HW: 230, then I got down to 178 almost 4 years ago.
    Re-SW: 222
    CW: 220
    GW: 170-180... I know I felt really good there, not skinny, but healthy and fit. Plus I could shop where I wanted:)

    -Beat my Half Marathon PR of 2:15
    -Balance my new life as a nurse with healthy living and eating
    -Use tumblr more!
    -Get control of emotional and boredom eating.
    -Oh and obviously lose weight! Hopefully a lb a week.

    -I'm starting a profession where I will be doing shift work which makes it hard to have a routine. Plus I will be casual so I will only know the gist of my life a month in advance and I will still be taking more shifts since I will get sick calls.
    -Getting my emotions under control. The past few months I've become an even worse emotional eater.

    -I love hockey, I think it comes with the Canadian DNA. I even have a cat named after my favorite hockey player. Right now I am planning trips to Texas (to visit my best friend) and to Las Vegas to celebrate my father-in-laws 65th birthday. I have the most patient and supportive husband, who runs and goes to the gym with me. I love crime novels. And that's it for now.
  • Hi, all! I'm Amanda from
    I'm 24 and living in Pittsburgh, PA.

    HW: 215lbs
    Re-SW: 210lbs (I lost almost 30lbs and then gained it all back within the past 3 years).
    CW: 208lbs
    GW: Wherever I feel the healthiest!

    - Lose weight!
    - Run my second half marathon this year.
    - Run a full marathon in either 2013 or 2014.
    - Become healthy and fit.

    - I work as a mobile therapist, so I am always on the road going back and forth between clients, and I have nowhere to store food/heat it up for lunch....I can only take things with me to eat that I can keep in a lunchbox and don't have to heat up! This causes me to eat fast food or gas-station food a lot.

    - I am currently a grad student in community counseling. I will graduate with my masters degree this December!!
  • Yo, I'm Alexander from
    14 years old in Scranton, Pennsylvania. (The Office is actually NOT filmed here.)

    HW/Original start weight: 130-140ish I don't even know
    CW: Not sure! I've stopped weighing myself for now. I'll resume after I start seeing results.
    GW: 115 c:

    -Get some abs goin' on
    -To look good in my cosplays (costumes)
    -To reach my goal weight by the next school year or the next convention I'll attend
    -To finally hear, "hey, did you lose weight?"

    -I've NOWHERE to work out. I'm 14, so I don't have a gym membership or anything. And no, there's nothing in walking distance, so don't suggest that. I live one road off a highway; we don't have parks or anything of the sort around here.
    -I'm anemic, so I'm pretty sleepy at least 99% of the time.
    -i"ve got scoliosis, so I must be careful u__u
    -I'm a procrastinator, so there's little to no chance that I'll actually complete a workout if I can manage one in.

    I like to draw, read, and sing. I really like Homestuck, as you can see from my picture right there. I want to be a gender therapist when I grow up; y'know, someone who helps trans* kids sort out themselves? Yeah. I want that in my future. I, myself, am a FTM (female-to-male transgender) poly-amorous pansexual with a strong preference towards men. I do have some mental disorders I tend to not talk to strangers about, but if you ask, I'll be willing to spill.
    I also have a main Tumblr, , so you can HMU there! :D