Peri-menopause and belly fat



  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses so far (even if I didn't comment after your post, I have read each one with interest).

    Let's keep chatting:smile:
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    This is really sad but I have a friend who is not a practicing doctor but went through medical school (she's a psychiatrist) and when I complained to her about my middle getting all filled in with an unattractive spare tire and my *kitten* creeping up my back, she said That's your hormones, they are trying to turn you into a man. :frown:
    On my second year post menopause...heck yeah i gained weight during menopause! Then I read "The Menopause Makeover"... Great read. I lost 45 pounds in 2011. I now, at age 54, weigh less than I did at age 19,. I wore a junior size 13 jean then, now i wear a size 6.

    Another great book to read is "Ballet Beautiful"... I now am into barre 3, lots of walking .

    ^^^^ Thank you for sharing, I am going to try to get these books because I sure need some help!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I'm going to look for that book! Like others have posted, I have lost weight - no butt and my boobs have gotten smaller (which is fine by me!), but I still don't have much of a waist. I'll never be seen in a bikini, but I would like to have pants that fit both in the hips and in the waist. Right now it seems to be one or the other.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    This is really sad but I have a friend who is not a practicing doctor but went through medical school (she's a psychiatrist) and when I complained to her about my middle getting all filled in with an unattractive spare tire and my *kitten* creeping up my back, she said That's your hormones, they are trying to turn you into a man. :frown:

  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks to a partial hysterectomy, I slam shifted into menopause 6 years ago. Since then. I've gained 30 pounds - all of it around my middle. I've lost (and gained) about 20 of that back many, many times over the past few years and the last place I would lose inches was my waist. I long for the day that I actually have a waist again.
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Post menopause and yes, definitely, that belly. Ugh! I know when I lost weight the last time it was reduced considerably but not back to pre-menopause. And I really bloat when I overeat or something doesn't agree with me. I'm an 'apple' to begin with so it's possibly more noticeable than in 'pears.' I'm not sure. On a positive note, I didn't get any other symptoms other than possibly sleep pattern changes. The books sound good. Thanks for sharing.
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    This is all very discouraging : )

    I'm 50 and no menopause in sight but do already have plenty of belly fat! Thanks for the tip on the book, I'm going to arm myself with knowledge so that I'll be ready. I hope they have tips on dealing with extra facial hair. Not looking forward to that.

    Actually looking forward to getting it started and over with. I'm so done with PMS, monthly crying about anything from 'onstar' commercials to news stories about home run records, periods, and most of all 37 years of horrible cramps!

    Sorry, my TOM I get passionate about things.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    This is all very discouraging : )

    I'm 50 and no menopause in sight but do already have plenty of belly fat! Thanks for the tip on the book, I'm going to arm myself with knowledge so that I'll be ready. I hope they have tips on dealing with extra facial hair. Not looking forward to that.

    Actually looking forward to getting it started and over with. I'm so done with PMS, monthly crying about anything from 'onstar' commercials to news stories about home run records, periods, and most of all 37 years of horrible cramps!

    Sorry, my TOM I get passionate about things.

    B-complex vitamin and work outs helped with my PMS.
    I don't get the physical as bad as the emotional :devil:
    My husband likes to disappear during my TOM...
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    "There's no strong data to show that weight gain is related to menopause," says Margery Gass, MD, executive director of the North American Menopause Society. "There are age-related weight changes that affect everyone, men and women." For example, a slowing metabolism makes it harder to lose weight, and women need to eat less and exercise more just to maintain their weight. Hormonal changes can make it difficult to stick to a healthy weight, but they don't cause weight gain, Gass says.

    Once you hit perimenopause, the good, lean muscle mass with the faster metabolic rate is depleted, says Christiane Northrup, ob-gyn and author of The Wisdom of Menopause. "Everything changes. That's why you could be the same weight as in high school, but the fat replaces the muscle and takes up more room and weighs less."
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    "There's no strong data to show that weight gain is related to menopause," says Margery Gass, MD, executive director of the North American Menopause Society. "There are age-related weight changes that affect everyone, men and women." For example, a slowing metabolism makes it harder to lose weight, and women need to eat less and exercise more just to maintain their weight. Hormonal changes can make it difficult to stick to a healthy weight, but they don't cause weight gain, Gass says.

    Once you hit perimenopause, the good, lean muscle mass with the faster metabolic rate is depleted, says Christiane Northrup, ob-gyn and author of The Wisdom of Menopause. "Everything changes. That's why you could be the same weight as in high school, but the fat replaces the muscle and takes up more room and weighs less."

    This makes alot of sense to me. Thanks for sharing :smile:
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I'm 58 and already went thru it :-/. What worked for me:

    1) remifemine which I got at health food store
    2) a fan on the night stand at night whether it was winter or not and slept in shorts and tank top
    3) 30 min power walk 6 days a week
    4) strength training 3 times a week ( used weights, stretchie band, resistance belt, )

    Went thru it smoothly :). Yes I have some belly fat and working on that as well. Started lifting 3 times a week and cut back on cardio as that can back fire on you so no more 60 min cardio for me. Now 30-40 min cardio 3 times a week . Taking 1 day of rest :)
  • mslisatm
    mslisatm Posts: 154 Member
    This was my first sign too...2 months after my 40th birthday! I was 28 days always then I got it 21....then it went back to 28 then sometimes it is 34...usually it is 25. My calendar is a mess of p21? p28? etc etc.... It became quite light and lasted a full 7-10 days too. ALthough sometimes I will get it very light for a few days then it will stop and then it will be like a normal or very heavy period for 3-4 days. More cramps and WAY more psychotic PMS emotional rollercoaster. I am going to check out that book too because I work out HARD 5-6 times a week and generally eat 1400 healthy clean eating cals a day and Im lucky if I can lose a pound a month. I am 43 now and can't wait for this to be over! I feel like my life revolves around my period.
    So I started the book "menopause makeover" and had a question:
    The author (who writes well and is a hoot!) says
    IRREGULAR PERIODS This is probably the first symptom you noticed. When you begin to go through menopause, your periods start to get a bit unpredictable. You may notice spotting, heavier or lighter bleeding and your periods may be longer or shorter.

    Jonekos, Staness (2012-04-01). The Menopause Makeover (Kindle Locations 331-333). Harlequin Enterprises. Kindle Edition.
    Have others seen that? for me THAT was the most recent sign!

    for ME it started with dizziness, crankiness, night sweats, and then weight "shifts", then hot flashes, and THEN my period went goofy.
    I was 24 days like clock work (including night sweats the three nights before my period started at 5am on day 24) until the last year.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    This was my first sign too...2 months after my 40th birthday! I was 28 days always then I got it 21....then it went back to 28 then sometimes it is 34...usually it is 25. My calendar is a mess of p21? p28? etc etc.... It became quite light and lasted a full 7-10 days too. ALthough sometimes I will get it very light for a few days then it will stop and then it will be like a normal or very heavy period for 3-4 days. More cramps and WAY more psychotic PMS emotional rollercoaster. I am going to check out that book too because I work out HARD 5-6 times a week and generally eat 1400 healthy clean eating cals a day and Im lucky if I can lose a pound a month. I am 43 now and can't wait for this to be over! I feel like my life revolves around my period.
    So I started the book "menopause makeover" and had a question:
    The author (who writes well and is a hoot!) says
    IRREGULAR PERIODS This is probably the first symptom you noticed. When you begin to go through menopause, your periods start to get a bit unpredictable. You may notice spotting, heavier or lighter bleeding and your periods may be longer or shorter.

    Jonekos, Staness (2012-04-01). The Menopause Makeover (Kindle Locations 331-333). Harlequin Enterprises. Kindle Edition.
    Have others seen that? for me THAT was the most recent sign!

    for ME it started with dizziness, crankiness, night sweats, and then weight "shifts", then hot flashes, and THEN my period went goofy.
    I was 24 days like clock work (including night sweats the three nights before my period started at 5am on day 24) until the last year.

    My flow varies with every period too.
    Sometimes I spot for two weeks... very annoying
    And sometimes I feel like I'm going to hemorrhage to death
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    This was my first sign too...2 months after my 40th birthday! I was 28 days always then I got it 21....then it went back to 28 then sometimes it is 34...usually it is 25. My calendar is a mess of p21? p28? etc etc.... It became quite light and lasted a full 7-10 days too. ALthough sometimes I will get it very light for a few days then it will stop and then it will be like a normal or very heavy period for 3-4 days. More cramps and WAY more psychotic PMS emotional rollercoaster. I am going to check out that book too because I work out HARD 5-6 times a week and generally eat 1400 healthy clean eating cals a day and Im lucky if I can lose a pound a month. I am 43 now and can't wait for this to be over! I feel like my life revolves around my period.
    So I started the book "menopause makeover" and had a question:
    The author (who writes well and is a hoot!) says
    IRREGULAR PERIODS This is probably the first symptom you noticed. When you begin to go through menopause, your periods start to get a bit unpredictable. You may notice spotting, heavier or lighter bleeding and your periods may be longer or shorter.

    Jonekos, Staness (2012-04-01). The Menopause Makeover (Kindle Locations 331-333). Harlequin Enterprises. Kindle Edition.
    Have others seen that? for me THAT was the most recent sign!

    for ME it started with dizziness, crankiness, night sweats, and then weight "shifts", then hot flashes, and THEN my period went goofy.
    I was 24 days like clock work (including night sweats the three nights before my period started at 5am on day 24) until the last year.

    My flow vary with every period too.
    Sometimes I spot for two weeks... very annoying
    And sometimes I feel like I'm going to hemorrhage to death
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    "There's no strong data to show that weight gain is related to menopause," says Margery Gass, MD, executive director of the North American Menopause Society. "There are age-related weight changes that affect everyone, men and women." For example, a slowing metabolism makes it harder to lose weight, and women need to eat less and exercise more just to maintain their weight. Hormonal changes can make it difficult to stick to a healthy weight, but they don't cause weight gain, Gass says.

    Once you hit perimenopause, the good, lean muscle mass with the faster metabolic rate is depleted, says Christiane Northrup, ob-gyn and author of The Wisdom of Menopause. "Everything changes. That's why you could be the same weight as in high school, but the fat replaces the muscle and takes up more room and weighs less."
    ^^ This
    I am in menopause the last 6 years after hysterectomy and I still experience the hot flashes, mood swings and all the rest. i cannot say that MP is a walk in the park but: I am glad I can experience it and I am glad that now I'm feeling more like a real woman than ever before. I have to move and workout every day and watch what I am eating and how much, but my belly fat is on the way to where it belongs, somewhere else :bigsmile:
    I have to work hard for this but i do it because I want to be healthy and feel happy within myself. Exercise also helps me with the mood swings. Menopause is not my enemy, it's my trainer and I don't see it as negative any more:wink:
    Your approach to the problem is the key to solve it :flowerforyou:
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    This was my first sign too...2 months after my 40th birthday! I was 28 days always then I got it 21....then it went back to 28 then sometimes it is 34...usually it is 25. My calendar is a mess of p21? p28? etc etc.... It became quite light and lasted a full 7-10 days too. ALthough sometimes I will get it very light for a few days then it will stop and then it will be like a normal or very heavy period for 3-4 days. More cramps and WAY more psychotic PMS emotional rollercoaster. I am going to check out that book too because I work out HARD 5-6 times a week and generally eat 1400 healthy clean eating cals a day and Im lucky if I can lose a pound a month. I am 43 now and can't wait for this to be over! I feel like my life revolves around my period.
    So I started the book "menopause makeover" and had a question:
    The author (who writes well and is a hoot!) says
    IRREGULAR PERIODS This is probably the first symptom you noticed. When you begin to go through menopause, your periods start to get a bit unpredictable. You may notice spotting, heavier or lighter bleeding and your periods may be longer or shorter.

    Jonekos, Staness (2012-04-01). The Menopause Makeover (Kindle Locations 331-333). Harlequin Enterprises. Kindle Edition.
    Have others seen that? for me THAT was the most recent sign!

    for ME it started with dizziness, crankiness, night sweats, and then weight "shifts", then hot flashes, and THEN my period went goofy.
    I was 24 days like clock work (including night sweats the three nights before my period started at 5am on day 24) until the last year.

    My flow vary with every period too.
    Sometimes I spot for two weeks... very annoying
    And sometimes I feel like I'm going to hemorrhage to death

    If your periods become really heavy (hemorrhaging to death) every month, ask your ob/gyn to check you for uterine polyps. I lived with that for years! A male doctor told me, "Oh, that's just normal. You're starting menopause." A couple years later, I read an article in "Health Digest" that asked, "Do you have any of the following symptoms?" I had every one. I went to a female doctor and showed her the article. She did an ultrasound, and I had a polyp the size of a baseball! It's pretty said one has to take in a magazine article to get a doctor to check something that is so common in women! I had the polyp removed, and life became bearable again!
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 55 and done with menopause. The problem with the belly fat is trying to buy pants that fit. The waist is too tight and the rest of them are too big. My daughters are always telling that my pants are too baggy int the butt. Anyone else with this problem? I won't wear elastic waist because I feel like my mother and my kids say I'm not old enough for elastic waist. They keep me young.:smile:
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    One more comment. I had symptoms when I was 40! My gyno said I was too young to even discuss it! Please don't let anyone tell you that you're too young! Everyone is different.