vegan weightloss how?



  • healthysince2013
    healthysince2013 Posts: 30 Member
    In my opinion, not all processed vegan foods are the devil. I think brands like Gardein and Field Roast offer high protein and filling food options that you can add in moderation to a diet built on whole foods. When I eat a lot of tortillas or other super processed grains like pasta, bread, and white rice, I become a bottomless pit. I am always hungry and I lose control of my portions. Brown rice, quinoa, lentils, beans, oatmeal, seitan, tofu, grains like barley and farro, and lots of veggies are my new heros.

    Carbs in general aren't the devil either but the carbs that have higher fiber and more nutrients will fill you up, keep you fuller longer, and help you control your weight. In my research and experience, beans and tofu are great for you but can be higher in fat and calories so you have to eat them in moderation. TLDR; everything in moderation, but lots of veggies, less oil, less sugar, more variety, better portion control, and choosing minimally processed whole grains over simple carbs.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    They aren't the devil, but for fat loss being vegan is not an advantage or disadvantage. You coud pretty much eat fresh produce all you want, with processed foods you should watch them closely. I spent 20 years as a fat, unhealthy vegan so I have some experience.:smile:
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    For the most part I don't eat many simple refined carbs. My most carb heavy things are juice, soda, wheat breads. I don't even eat pasta anymore. I do enjoy spaghetti squash though now. I limit soda to one or two a week, anymore than that and it's diet but that's pretty rare. I drink unsweet tea or water mostly. All kinds of tea so it doesn't get boring.

    I now "juice" my greens and put them in a smoothie with a banana and some frozen fruit and chia seeds and have that as a meal usually once a day since I'm not good at cooking those dark leafy greens. I'm open to ideas though. I am working to cut out orange juice since I don't make it homemade. I do drink cranberry juice sometimes to prevent utis.

    I'm also conflicted on my calories. This week I finally got back to the gym. I hadn't been able to go since I had bronchitis. But it seems on those days I eat more which I guess makes sense since I use more calories. MFP is set for me to net 1350 calories a day. Some days I'm hungier than others. I'm not one of those that says I'm going to eat all my calories back, or I'm not going to eat any of them back. If I'm hungry I'll probably eat. Usually I eat maybe 100-200 back but some days I eat them all back or go over. I wonder if I should be more consistant. But I think I need to eat back better foods on the days I work out. I end up having a craving for carb and protein heavy foods those days. I think I'll go back to putting in my meal replacement powder in my smoothie on days I do work out and see if that helps.
  • Rodap9631
    Rodap9631 Posts: 38 Member
    I was wondering if anyone had an ideas or good resources on losing weight on a vegan diet like websites or books. I've been struggling and I think one issue may be portion control but I'm not sure if that's all it.

    I was wondering what my macros should be at. Right now I average 250 g of carbs of day so I was thinking maybe I should try reducing that by reducing some of the grained carbs I eat like switching from regular wheat tortillas to low carb ones. I eat tortillas regularly. I also eat beans which I thought were good for me? I'm also getting bored with my food. I want to try out some wraps or more tofu stirfrys but I'd like some resources that are dedicated to weight loss, not just vegan and I'm not finding much on that front.

    I typically have a smoothie for breakfast which is pretty much always the same around 300-400 calories or sometimes peanut butter or jam toast with a soymilk. Then lunch and dinner are usually something simple like a bean burrito, bowl of beans, vegan sandwich, and dinner is usually something a bit more complex. I am really liking experimenting with tofu at the moment. I don't eat many processed vegan foods unless it's a tofurky slice or daiya cheese or occassional veggie burger but I'm burnt out on burgers. Snacks are usually a granola bar or fruit but I'm aiming to make that all fruit or nuts.

    I also want to try more salads but no idea what to do about dressings or toppings. I'm just not creative.

    It could be my weightloss isn't going well because I am sick and unable to exercise, but that seems to be the story of my life this season. Once I'm better, I'm okay for 2wks and then get sick again.

    Also I'm not a fan of the appetite for reduction book as I really don't want to spend an hour and a fortune making something to eat. I like salads but making my own dressing out of 10 ingredients? I'll pass.
  • Rodap9631
    Rodap9631 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi if your sick and unable to exercise (Im assuming your Physically capable of moderate exercise, although I might be assuming wrongly) you might not be eating enough, you need to eat to have energy and feel alive. I've had plenty of days where I eat well over my supposed calorie intake and since being vegan don't count calories anymore.

    You might also need vitamin B12, Lack of can cause depression and neurological damage. Great sources for this are nutritional yeast (savioury flavour good for sales stews etc: ) Or Marmite or a sublingual vitamin pill or even an I/M injection from your Doctor which will keep you happy (and in a healthy B12 range) for at least a year

    I use MFP though to check out the fat content of what I eat. You should find it's almost impossible to get fat on high carbs low fat vegan foods. IE: a small quantity of nuts oil etc.

    Check out Doctor Neil Bernard s chocolate cheese meat and sugar vid on youtube. Or why fat people who exercise a lot dont get skinny by Durianrider on youtube.

    All the best on your journey
  • Rawvine
    Rawvine Posts: 27 Member
    Dr. Douglas Graham has book called 80 10 10 Diet. I would say the last thing you need is more meat and dairy, secretion and pus will only irritate your sinuses more!! There is also the website I have also heard that Eat to live is a great book as well...with IBS, definitely check out 80 10 10