Starting Today - I Will Not Drink Wine!

alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
Hello! The title pretty much somes it up. I've come to the decision that wine is not doing me any good and I need to give it up. Cutting back isn't working. Like M&M's, I'm fine without, but give me one, and I just don't stop. So as of today, I will not drink wine!

My current plan is to replace my nightly bottle with tea and for visual reinforcement and a reward, I'm going to transfer $10 a day to savings every day that I don't buy a bottle and put another $1 bill in a vase on my dresser. By this time next year, vacation in Hawaii will be paid for. And the calorie savings from not drinking should definitely make weightloss easier, so I'll look good in a bikini as well.

Any other tips and strategies are appreciated.


  • I love the reward idea! I joined this group just recently with the idea of NOT DRINKING during the week to save on calories and increase my weight loss ... of course now that it's Monday, I'm bummed, HA!

    But I want to be in Onederland by my birthday at the end of March and I know this will help me get there!

    I found a 'magic diet recipe' on Pinterest ... I don't know how magic it really is, but it sounded like something that might just taste yummy ... adding frozen mango chunks and sliced ginger to water ... I'm going to drink this in a pretty glass at night as my 'treat'!

    We CAN do this ... Cheers!!!

  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Your treat drink sounds good! Gives me inspiration to start looking for non alcoholic drinks I can make for parties and such. I've taken to drinking hot tea nightly instead of wine which is working just fine, but will be kind of boring for special events. The first three days were easy. I'm hoping the rest of the week will continue to be the same. Sunday, aka Superbowl, will be the hardest. It will be the first big social event that I'm not drinking at in longer than I can remember.