Introduce ourselves!

Hello everyone! I just found this new board right now, so happy we have a board for brides to be!

My wedding day is July 6th this summer, my goal is to lose this last 25 lbs (or so) by then, and hopefully before I go try on dresses March 23rd. So far I have lost almost 50 lbs in the last 2 years, I started at 177 lbs (5'1") and now I am 130, and my goal is to be about 105 lbs. I am so excited to be marrying the man of my dreams, my best friend!

What is everyone's story?

Check out my before and progress pics on my profile! I started Turbofire a little more than a week ago, very motivated to lose this weight! Doing it the healthy way! Right foods and working my butt off!



  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    My destination wedding is coming up quick so I'm aiming for at least a solid 5 more pounds! March 3rd!!
  • adenajoy
    adenajoy Posts: 15 Member
    Although I'm not engaged yet, my bf and I have decided to get married in 2014 (prob fall of that year.) That gives me a little under 2 years to get into my best form. Year one is on "shedding" as my aim is to get to 130lbs from 175 (I'm at 157 right now). Then year two will be about refining, when I'll work with a personal trainer to tone up (I'll start this as soon as I hit my goal weight, hopefully by this summer!) I want to look hot for my wedding, otherwise what's the point? lol.
  • bioheil
    bioheil Posts: 72 Member
    Glad to meet you girls! I am getting married on New Years Eve this year! I am very excited but would like to lose 50 lbs!

  • mshopey
    mshopey Posts: 125 Member
    I'm planning on getting married on the 30th november this year, but it's not yet set it stone.
    I would love to lose 100lbs by then, lost my first 16lbs in 4 weeks, so i'm pretty impressed :)
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    i am engaged and my partner wants to get married but i wont until i am happier in myself and have lost atleast another 20-25lbs xx i want to buy my dress and not have it resized x
  • KeiraBeyonce
    Hi everyone!

    I got engaged in October and I don't have a date yet, although I think it will be 2014/2015.

    Right now I am not losing weight specifically for the wedding, just in general but of course I want to look my best then as well :heart:
  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    Hey all! I'm getting married in October of this year. I have about 30 pounds to shed to reach my goal weight, and I'm hoping to have most of it gone by the time I order my wedding dress. I'm also working out with FI's dumbells so that when the fat comes off there's some nice muscle to show off :)
  • ssime1980
    ssime1980 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Nice to meet you all and congratulations on your wedings

    Im getting married in 159 days! (5th July 2013)

    Im 5ft 8, was 177lbs at start of year, currently at 171.5lbs, wanting to get to 170lbs byt first of Jan.

    I did have my calories set at 1200 for max impact, but have just read tongs about TDEE and think I should be having about 1700, but it just seems like quite a lot!

  • TinkyBaki
    TinkyBaki Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am getting married September 2014 So I want to introduce myself hopefully everyone can conquer there goals I'm getting married in Hawaii so I would like to lose about 50lbs I weigh 175 right now. So good luck to all
  • juliebmomof3
    juliebmomof3 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm Julie and I am getting married in August. So far we have lost our venue and our DJ, so stressful. We decided we are getting married in Key West on our honeymoon lol. So I have a good 40 lbs I want to lose and look the best I have wince Highschool at my awesome wedding and honeymoon.
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    hi I am getting married on September 24th :) I am 5'7" and I THINK 220 but my scale stopped working cause it was so bloody cold here. I don't have a goal weight to be by that date. Not sure what would be a reasonable goal? But hey any thing I loose will be better than what I am at right now! :)
  • Angidroid1
    Angidroid1 Posts: 3 Member
    My wedding date is May 25th..I would like to lose about 25-30lbs by then but have no clue where to start. And the stress of planning a wedding is not helping
  • maitreyee43
    maitreyee43 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey all!! I am getting married this December(hopefully) and want to lose some weight before that. No goal weights though!
    I just need to look beautiful. Frankly, if I don't lose some weight, on my wedding day in Indian traditional dress, I would look like my boy friend's elder sister.. lol..
    So, neeed to get slim!!
    Good luck to all of us.. :)
  • Bunniculette
    Bunniculette Posts: 71 Member
    Hello Everyone! I'm getting married September 7th THIS YEAR! The urgency of it has kind of just hit me, lol, even though we got engaged LAST Christmas. Future Hubby & I are trying to lose as much weight as possible between then and now. I have about 70 lose altogether, but making it halfway there by September would make me pretty, darn happy!
  • hollya1182
    hollya1182 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello!!! I'm getting married August 4th of this year and have just started the losing weight process. I lost 40lbs several years ago and then it eventually found it's way back and then some! I'm looking for support to lose those 40lbs in the next 6 months. According to MFP I can do it with a strict diet and tons of gym time so that's what I intend to do. I just need a way to stick with it! I'm hoping I've found it. Congrats to all of you getting married!
  • kelsanderson78
    kelsanderson78 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there :) we are getting married on 4 May 2013, so not long now - 95 days!! I have lost 32 pounds so far, have approx 13 pounds to go. Going for my first dress fitting this weekend!
  • BuzzyLizzy77
    BuzzyLizzy77 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm getting married 19 July this year, I have my dress and need to lose an inch from my chest for a comfortable fit. I'm sorted with my exercise programme, cardio and strength so I feel this is a really achievable goal.
    Congratulations and good luck everyone :happy:
  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Massive congratulations to all of you on your engagements!

    I got engaged on the 9th January this year, and we have provisionally booked our wedding venue for 4th December 2014 (a Christmas wedding!)

    I am currently 214lbs, with my goal to reach 140lbs for the wedding - that should mean that I go from an English size 18 to a size 10-12.

    I really need help with the motivation and hope that I can help others in the same position.

  • Davorla
    Davorla Posts: 26
    Hi all,
    Getting married July 4th this year abroad and wishing to lose another 40lbs.....woop woop the support here will be ace. We can do this ladies!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Congrats to all of you! It's nice to be in such a positive group. :D