GC2B Posts: 168 Member
As you know we are meant to drink 2ltrs of water a day.
How many of us actually do??
Well here the water police will check up on you.....

Remind you and encourage you.

Do your best :)

Post when you like to encourage others xx


  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    I've had a pint glass worth of very weak squash... and will have a normal glass with dinner then maybe 1 more during evening. not sure how much that is?!

    someone says on google that a 2 litres is about 3.5 pints?

    I probably definitely don't do the right amount!! not even on a good day!!

  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Had 4 glasses yeterday plus some squash. Will try harder today
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Yesterday I had a big glass of diet coke & glass of squash with dinner. definitely not enough!

    Today, I am about to get my first drink of the day and to be honest that might be all I have until tonight. no point beating around the bush!

    We shall see
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Had 5 glasses of plain water yesterday.
    That for me is quite good.
    Hopefully can match that or up it today.
  • joelleh26
    joelleh26 Posts: 74 Member
    I tend to carry a 2litre bottle of water around with me, but only tend to drink 2/3 of it!!!

    Going to.make a concious effort to drink more :)
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    I find when im sitting watching tv, if i have a bottle made up next to me ill happily drink that all in one go, but when the glass is on the bookshelf and having to get up to get it, not being lazy, but always tend to forget about it!
    so now i spend alot of time at the computer on here, ukbride and job hunting i may start doing that again.

    See, i never feel thirsty or dehydrated so never think about drinking. if i have one made and its in close vicinity its gone within seconds so maybe i should keep hold of the coke zero bottle (2lt) and when its empty just top that up on a daily basis and have it next to me so when glass is empty top up in an instance!

    I know for a fact i don't drink enough! x
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    5 again yesterday.
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Well done!
    I think I had half a glass of squash, glass of coke zero followed by a diet coke with my weds night mcds treat!

    Will try better today
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    I haven't done no where near as much as I should HOWEVER last 2 days, especially yesterday I've made a conscious effort to drink way more than usual.
    I must of done something right, cant remember the last time I peed so much! (TMI sorry) and each time for so long! so must be doing something right!
    As of tomorrow its back on properly!! Drink, Drink, Drink! x
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Still struggling to get over 5 in but then Saturday I only had 1 glass of plain water all dat!