A note on my desk this morning........

Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
I got into work this morning, and found a note on my desk. It was from one of the guys that work for us, asking me out for Friday night!!!! While this sounds great, it is not. We have no rules against dating within work place, but just doesn't feel right. I know very little about this man......he is older than me, not sure by how much, he has children--no idea how many or how old, though I do know that his youngest is about 8. Other than that, I know very little--I could find some of this out, but I am not interested--because he works here!!

On happier note, have bowling date with "other guy" tonight. And, I am using "other guy" as my excuse for "work guy". I am going to tell him that I just started dating someone and want to see where that goes.


  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Wow! Look at you. Even if you don't go, and I agree that it's not a good idea, that is really flattering. :)
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Awww!! It's awesome to be noticed, but completely agree. :) I don't like to date anyone I work with either. It's a sticky situation to be in if things don't work out.

    Good luck on your date tonight!! :)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Even though dating in the work place is taboo, my BF and I work together (not directly, but in the same company) and we are quite happy. If someone told me last year I'd be happily dating and living with someone I work with I'd tell them they needed to see a psychiatrist, but somehow it works.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    What a shame :(

    Honestly, the "I don't date coworkers" thing often comes across as an excuse to not go after someone you (you being arbitrary, not specific in this case) aren't interested in. If the dude was smokin' hot and you'd been into you, it probably wouldn't matter that he's a co worker since your company does have no rules against it.

    I'm not saying there's anything wrong with turning him down, I'm just thinking at least be honest with yourself. You aren't interested period.

    Of course, this is pure speculation.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Moe, Do what feels right in this case. But, you must be putting some seriously awesome energy out there lately cause the guys seem to be flocking to you! What's your secret?
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    What a shame :(

    Honestly, the "I don't date coworkers" thing often comes across as an excuse to not go after someone you (you being arbitrary, not specific in this case) aren't interested in. If the dude was smokin' hot and you'd been into you, it probably wouldn't matter that he's a co worker since your company does have no rules against it.

    I'm not saying there's anything wrong with turning him down, I'm just thinking at least be honest with yourself. You aren't interested period.

    Of course, this is pure speculation.

    Kits.....you are sort of right....if I was totally interested, I would go after him--coworker or not. But, I am just not sure of who he is, etc. and that makes me nervous, so the whole reason to turn him down is not because he is a coworker, but that does play a part in it :)
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Moe, Do what feels right in this case. But, you must be putting some seriously awesome energy out there lately cause the guys seem to be flocking to you! What's your secret?

    PJ.....Feast or famine..........story of my life :tongue:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I would have gone out with him just to find out more! :bigsmile:

    Unless he's completely unattractive to me! Then I'd be the same as you and blame it on another interest.

    I met both my long term ex's through work! :flowerforyou:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    What a shame :(

    Honestly, the "I don't date coworkers" thing often comes across as an excuse to not go after someone you (you being arbitrary, not specific in this case) aren't interested in. If the dude was smokin' hot and you'd been into you, it probably wouldn't matter that he's a co worker since your company does have no rules against it.

    I'm not saying there's anything wrong with turning him down, I'm just thinking at least be honest with yourself. You aren't interested period.

    Of course, this is pure speculation.

    Kits.....you are sort of right....if I was totally interested, I would go after him--coworker or not. But, I am just not sure of who he is, etc. and that makes me nervous, so the whole reason to turn him down is not because he is a coworker, but that does play a part in it :)

    That's cool, I can dig it. Maybe if you flirt with him - I mean, get to know him a bit more you'll change your mind down the line?
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    ugh....wrote that boy a note back....saying I was seeing someone and wanted to explore that, and then fate bites me in the a**, and the date for tonight texted me that he had to reschedule--his daughters mother is in the hospital so he will be taking her for the evening......
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    ugh....wrote that boy a note back....saying I was seeing someone and wanted to explore that, and then fate bites me in the a**, and the date for tonight texted me that he had to reschedule--his daughters mother is in the hospital so he will be taking her for the evening......

    Oh no, I hope she's okay! Sorry he had to cancel :(
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    It sounds like she will be fine......possible gall bladder removal......that is what he said in his text
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Well that's not too bad, but it's good he's there to be supportive for his daughter :)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    the "I don't date coworkers" thing often comes across as an excuse to not go after someone you (you being arbitrary, not specific in this case) aren't interested in. If the dude was smokin' hot and you'd been into you

    This *is* how it’s often perceived, especially since I’ve seen men say that to one girl but then go after another. At the same time, I’ve tried it twice (didn’t learn the first time) and had it blow up in my face and hindering my work. So now I’ve told guys who acted interested that we can get to know each other, but I don’t get romantically involved with someone in my org so that part of it would have to wait until we are in different orgs.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    the "I don't date coworkers" thing often comes across as an excuse to not go after someone you (you being arbitrary, not specific in this case) aren't interested in. If the dude was smokin' hot and you'd been into you

    I'm often involved in firing people since I'm the company's legal counsel so I just can't cross that line to date anyone at work. Can you imagine ... "Sorry but today will be your last day here. I need you to give me your ID card and Parking card, but I'll see you at home later" Talk about awkward!!!
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I like to avoid drama and complications. Therefore, I avoid workplace romances.

    However, in certain types of jobs, workplace romances may make more sense. A good example would be types of jobs where tenures are normally short, like retail.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I've had this sort of thing come up with patients, and with one patient who wanted to set me up w a friend of his. Haven't really had it with a work colleague, but you could use the same response that I do...

    I just tell them that I have a personal policy against dating patients (or patient's friends). I can also mention that it's unethical and I could lose my physical therapy license if they get really pushy, but that's not really applicable here.

    Your approach will work in the short term, but if he finds out you're not dating bowling guy anymore, work guy may come right back around...

    Just a thought.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    the "I don't date coworkers" thing often comes across as an excuse to not go after someone you (you being arbitrary, not specific in this case) aren't interested in. If the dude was smokin' hot and you'd been into you

    Good point. If you're going to make it a "policy", you'll have to stick to it no matter what.