My Six Weeks To OMG

Here is my Six Weeks To OMG Diary.

You can see what I ate each day by changing the date on the following link.


Did balloon exercises but only
ate two meals, didn't have the
time for a third meal

Didn't eat until 4pm, had next
meal about 6pm, did balloons

Good Day. Did balloons on my
knees, felt nautios towards
the end

Didn't have any coffee

Had cold bath, didn't put
enough water in but it was
ok, ate farmfoods minced
beef and onion all day,
didn't have any coffee.
No balloons today (rest)

go up gone 7, had a bath
gone 9.
No balloons (Rest)
Had 1st meal gone 1pm, didnt
wait 30 mins before eating
2nd meal, another **** day,
feeling low. No coffee either.
The world didn't end...
had early cold bath, had some
coffee, realised to wait 3
hours after pom 1 and not
3 hours after waking up to
have first meal.
I might start doing balloon
exercises tomorrow night
Only did 7 minutes of
exercise for pom 3,

did 3 hours of exercise,
didnt think it was wise to
wait until 3.30pm to have
first meal of the day, so
ate at 1pm, only had two

xmas eve
had colder bath, forgot
to have coffee,

xmas day
no balloons :/ ate way too
many carbs, asda smart price
sausages and a bread roll :/
curry sauce and robinsons
summer fruits. way too many
carbs, no balloons. had
coffee, only had two meals.
the 3 hour wait made me
really hungry and then i
made a bad food choice,
then had a rustlers later

boxing day
had smoky bacon, was

only ate once


didnt wait 3 hours after
exercising because i only ate
once yesterday, twice today.
was too hungry and cranky,
ate less than 500 calories,
didnt know it was that low
until i logged it on

had cold bath, had some
coffee, make less coffee
tomorrow, had 746 kcals
today, don't know if thats
too few, no balloons
(rest day) only had 2 meals
no balloons, ate too late,
**** day, depressed, food
prep today was a huge

bad day today really,
ate first meal at 4.20, then
drank pepsi max until i had
some chicken breast at
6.30, new year tomorrow, new
me, might go to the gym
tomorrow, might not, idk,
no coffee, cold bath though
might make coffee and take it
in the bathroom and have it as
soon as i get out of the bath,
no balloons, ate too late, this
isnt going very well :/

Had 1 meal, mostly carbs
(30) protein(20) Will do
better tomorrow
need to get swiss ball and
flax oil, need to start
drinking green tea
awoke at 4.40am, should have
got up, got up at 8.30am
didnt wait 3 hours after
exercising to have first
meal of the day because i
only had one meal yesterday
(329 calories) and i burned
more than 329 calories

its a huge shambles, i was
supposed to do balloons
yesterday, i drink pepsi max
e'ry and its not good for fat
burning i dont think, ive
twatted my phone, the wifi
aint working, need the
countdown app for the cold
baths in the morning.
bought a exercise ball from
lidl, doesnt have a pump,
same price in argos and
has a pump, im so retarded.
Don't shop for it, Argos it.
drank a protein shake
had more coffee than usual,
had it with an apollo e cig
( then
went out on bike to get a
only had one meal, at gone
4pm, am reading up on
eating just one meal a day.
Had coffee with my e cig
again, coffee and e cig =
nice moment of the day :)

finished full cup of coffee
for the second day in a row

yesterday only had one meal,
only had 59 grams of protein,
today, first meal 120grams
of protein, didnt wait 3 hours
after exercising before eating,
i need to get up at like 5/6,
exercise for an hour, take a
cold bath then eat about 10am,
then exercise again about 12,
then eat at about 1, then
exercise about 4, then eat
again at about 5. or something
had another full cup of coffee.
really disappointed with how
fat i still am, slept really
really really badly, i cant
begin to tell you, woke up
with a sore throat, knew when
i got in bed i needed
something to drink; all
through the night i was
craving an ice cold glass
of water, slept so bad,
i dont know why, had 241
grams of protein yesterday,
was it because of that or
was it because i was thirsty?

protein makes you thirsty i
I'm so depressed, not because
of six weeks to omg, other
stuff. Weighed myself in Boots
again, every time I have
weighed myself, the weight has
decreased and the body fat
percentage has decreased, but
this time the body fat
percentage has gone up!
08.12.12 - 26.9%
24.12.12 - 22.1%
07.01.13 - 20.1%
16.01.13 - 24.3%
but at least my weight has
gone down again
Depressed less than i used
to be though, much more
active and less anxious
exercised, had coffee
then cold bath lol, got
through the bath thanks
to the coffee i think
and take that - greatest
day on the radio lol
didnt think i could have
a bath today, theres snow
outside its frrrreezing,
but did it! 6 days to go
i think. still havent had
any essential fats! never
have green tea, never
manage to eat 3 times!
need to get some essential
fats in my diet and drink
some green tea
had organic white bread w/
tuna and mayo, too many carbs
im guessing, this hasn't gone
very well at all, not even one
good day doing everything
right, can i never do anything
right? cant even write down a
little summary of what happened
each day, had to miss a few days,
didnt i? didnt wait 3 hours to eat,
then ate too many carbs, not my
decision, if it was fully up to
me, every day would be perfect
(in terms of six weeks to omg)
but other peoples actions hinder
my plan. Bought some Sainsbury's
basics cod liver oil, basically
sums up the whole plan.
had cold bath, had two cups of
coffee today, had coffee, then
bath, then coffee.
it's a tuesday today, I
finished on friday, was on
holiday saturday and sunday,
both high carb days, I weighed
in today at 12st12lbs. Just had
a pizza. Don't know what to do
now, no more cold baths but I
will still eat a low amount of
carbs and still do some
movement before eating.


Had 1st cold bath on 15.12.12 and have had
one every day up until 25.1.13, that is 42
cold baths

08/12/12 - 14st 7lbs - Started listening to
six weeks to omg and trying to put it in to

24/12/12 - 13st 12lbs - Have been taking a
cold bath every day since the 15th of december,
and trying to do the rest of six weeks to omg
as best as I could

07/01/13 - 13st 6lbs

16/01/13 - 13st 3lbs

29/01/13 - 12st 12lbs - 25/01/13 was the last day
of the plan. This is how much I weigh now.


Start weight: 203lbs
End weight: 180lbs

Total Weight Loss: 23lbs