How do you stay active?

kyedo Posts: 83 Member
I started the StrongLifts 5X5 program yesterday and plan to continue my running (just at an easier distance/pace).

What are you all doing?


  • alhunt8587
    I run 3-4 days a week (currently training for a 5K in April) and I'm also doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 workout 3-4 times per week. I do weight training a few times per week as well. I like to switch it up constantly to keep myself motivated, but running is something I will continue to incorporate into my routine! It's my new love! :)
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I've been running and doing NROLW, but that lifting program is not reducing my BF% - just giving me awesome muscles, so I've got the trainer at my gym putting together more of a lifting plan to help me "cut" so I can show off all those muscles :)
  • benmarcum
    benmarcum Posts: 132 Member
    I run and doing the best I can with the 5x5 lifting system. Sadly my work schedules do not allow me to get to the gym every other lifting day so I do what I can. (I am hoping the work thing fixes itself soon)