Get Moving

Everyone needs to make sure that they are moving each and every day. That does not mean that everyone needs to go out and get a gym pass. In fact, sometimes I find that walking outside is so much more enjoyable then walking on a treadmill. If you are just starting out on a workout routine, be realistic. Set manageable goals that will make working out challenging, but still fun. If you want to challenge yourself, try adding some new exercises into the mix. Lifting weights is a great way to lose weight and keep it off. But be sure that you have good form and don't go to heavy to start with. I challenge each and everyone to try to get 15 minutes more of exercise in this week. Simple things like taking the stairs, parking at the back of the parking lot when you to the store, and playing with your kids or pets can help you get in some heart healthy movement. Have fun and lets see how much weight we can lose this weight.