New Member

Hello all!
I am a busy momma of 5 boys who has inadvertently put myself on the back burner for way to long. About 5 years ago I lost about 40 lbs and maintained it for a little over a year. Then my husband had the gastric by pass surgery and I gained 10 lbs...seriously! I think I began to worry about my weight because he was loosing so much and I didn't want him to wake up one day and look at me and think to himself...why did I settle for her? Honestly it was in my head because he never did or said anything to make me feel that way. Then I had a series of surgeries that kept me from being active and now here I am 10 lbs away from were I started 5 years ago. I have been put on medication for cholesterol and depression and I really want to be off both of them. I want to lose the 30 lbs that I gained and remember that it is ok for me to invest in me. I joined this group in hopes to realize that I'm not alone and encourage others who are on the same path. Good Luck everyone and God Bless!