Your Daily Calories

RhodySeth Posts: 15 Member
Hi all. I'm trying to get a feel for how much my fellow runners eat every day.

Here's my backstory. I've been running a couple years. When I started I was around 165 lbs. I'm 5'8". I didn't have any weight goal in mind - I just wanted to be in better shape. Well the running bug bit me in a big way and I went from 50 miles in 2010 to 500 miles in 2011. The weight started to come off at this time naturally.

I amped up my running even more in 2012, hitting 1260 miles for the year. Early in the year I did Stronglifts a few times a week and in the last couple months I was doing P90X workouts 1-2 times a week. Additionally, 2012 was the year my wonderful wife decided to tackle her own weight issue. Our family cut down on eating out and focused on much more wholesome meals. I was running, working out at home and eating low calorie meals. As a result of all these factors I ended 2012 weight about 138 lbs.

This is a little lower than I'd like to be. I think 140 is a good weight to maintain (my wife thinks I'm too skinny - all bones.) I've found I really need to eat more than I was in order to maintain this weight. I generally run about 30-35 miles a week and usually do two P90X routines a week (+ Ab Ripper X twice.)

I've been aiming for 2700 calories a day though I generally go over that. Will this be enough? Still too low? Granted I know that in the end it's all about me monitoring my own weight - if I keep losing weight I need to eat more and if I gain then I need to eat less. So I was a really long-winded way of saying that I just wanted to see how much my fellow runners consume every day. I know it's the offseason for a lot of us but I also know there's a lot of crazies like myself who are out there running in the snow.

How much you eat?