For Me!

Collyloo Posts: 5 Member
I have really been struggling to stay on this diet. I don't have a lot of time to exercise, so I need to be vigilant about what I am putting in my mouth. And when the stressors that push my buttons -- teenagers telling me they hate me, or my husband ignoring me or the school calling to tell me about my child's bad grades -- make me want to shove a donut into my pie hole because I have somehow failed as a wife, as a mother, just as a human being in general -- I now think NO. This is the only thing I can control. And with each day I feel stronger and more in control and more positive. And today was the first day I looked into the mirror, and I could see the difference in my face. My middle aged lady jowels are disappearing. And I started to cry -- happy tears. I am doing this FOR ME. And I am succeeding at something. Even if everything else around me is falling apart, at least I can do this for myself.


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i know how you feel, but you can do this, stay strong,,
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    That's wonderful that you are putting yourself up there! Don't think of this as a diet, think of it as a healthy lifestyle, that way, you can take the stress off yourself and have that donut if you really want it without regrets. Don't be here to drop a bunch of weight fast, take it slow and easy, start a love affair with wholesome foods and make this a way of life. You ARE in control of this, you decide what's good for YOU... live strong!!