Insanity nutrition vs. MFP


I've been doing the MFP for about 15 days and I am about to start week 4 day 1 of insanity tomorrow.

I had a really hard time doing the insanity workouts and the MFP (1200 net cal/day) because I am always hungry!:)

If I follow the nutrition guide and the steps to calculating the Harris Benedict Formula for BMR and TDEE and subtract 500 (using moderate activity level) then I am supposed to eat about 1597 a day. However using my calorie counter I only burn 400 cals doing plyometrics and the other workouts I burn between 150 (cardio recovery) and 300 (pure cardio and cardio abs). Therefore according to MFP if I consume 1597 cals on those days and my rest day I am OVER on my net 1200 cals.

What does everyone else do? Should I follow the nutrition guide(which is basically TDEE-500) or should I follow the MFP 1200 net cals/day plan? I am getting mixed reviews reading the boards about the TDEE vs. 1200 rule but I feel like I am in a unique situation because of the insanity workouts.


Of note: I have only lost 2 lbs doing insanity. I am definitely stronger and have more endurance. The first two weeks I lost 4 lbs but I realized I was STARVING myself (daily food intake of 1000-1200 TOTAL with a net of 600-900) ; I could barely stay awake and I was light headed. So when I actually started to increase my cals I gained weight. Now I want to do it the healthy way but also be effective.


  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    I'm not following either. I use this calculator
    I'm eating at moderate exercise level minus 15%, which for me is 1800 calories. I try to eat that every day, including rest days. I just raised it to that from 1720-1750 calories yesterday because I've been hungry all week so we'll see how that extra bit helps. I just completed day 20 and haven't really lost anything really (I lost, then gained, then lost again so I'm at a net 0 now).

    With the MFP number (1200), you are supposed to add in and eat your exercise calories, so you would be eating 1600 on those days you burn 400. And rest days would be 1200. I know for me, that isn't enough.