Week 4 results!

Let me start by saying that I will post pictures after my computer gets back from Samsung, where they are fixing it (Yay warranties!)

Preamble (this is all via my phone, please excuse any spelling errors), I am 23 years old currently. When I was 19 I was well over 200 pounds, but one vacation changed that when I was flipping through the pictures on my way home and saw myself clearly for the first time. I thought I was carrying my weight well... But in a size 18 jeans I couldn't fool anyone anymore. I decided to change and my husband (then boyfriend) told me about a guy he knew that did Atkins. I decided to try it and lost 60 pounds in 4 months. I kept it off and maintained for two years with no exercise but I was on a firm plateau. I was 165,in a size 8, and though I was happy, I wanted to lose more. So I did insanity, which murdered my left knee. I didn't feed myself properly, I lost 20 pounds in he 60 days, but was by no means healthy. After insanity I did nothing, finished up college, got my nursing license, got engaged, and kept my weight around 155. After the wedding last October we honeymooned for two weeks, I moved to a new state, and gained 15 pounds. Not working really kills my waistline! I sort of forgot to eat healthy, and didn't log any food I ate. Well I'm up to a size 10,and I say enough! My husband refuses to let me do insanity again since it took over a year to get my knee back in working order, so I found turbofire. I love it! Chalene is so motivational and fun vs the boot camp style of insanity. Okay, anyway, I talk too much, I should get on to the results!!

Starting measurements

*Waist - 32"
*Hips - 39.5'
*R Arm - 11.2"
*L Arm - 11.6"
*R Thigh - 24.5"
*L Thigh - 24.25"
*Bust - 37.25"
*Chest - 32"

Weight - 169

Week Four Results

*Waist - 29" (-3")
*Hips - 36.5" (-3.25")
*R Arm - 11" (-.2")
*L Arm - 11" (-.6")
*R Thigh - 23.5" (-1")
*L Thigh - 23.5" (-.75")
*Bust - 36" (-1.25")
*Chest - 31" (-1")

Weight - 168

I only lost one pound but (tmi alert) I was having monthly bloating at the time of measurements and weight at the end of week 4. If my math is right then I lost right at 11" total in 4 weeks, and I am happy with that! Pictures when I get my computer next week! Feel free to share any results you have had! Tomorrow I am starting week six! Good luck and thanks for reading =)
