Weekly Chat 2/3 - 2/9



  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    At any rate, the scale is dropping, I have great energy during the day, and I'm sleeping like a baby at night. I know I've just written a novelette here, but wanted to share that its so important to listen to our bodies and test out adjustments to fit our personal needs.

    p.s. Altho I've weighed each morning, I only post results on Fridays...thus my number on my ticker isn't changing for now. :)

    Losingmybehind: Amen sista! How cool is it that you found what is working for you!!! You might find that you need to change it again later... or maybe not. Who knows? But in the meantime, I am so thrilled for you that what you are doing is working for you!!!!!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    To everyone else!!!

    Holy Cow!!! You are all doing so great! I love hearing your stories of loss and perserveriance.

    Today was my crazy homeschool co-op day... it is Low Carb for me... and boy am I peeing like a racehorse!

    So, you want to know what is funny? Between December and January I lost a total of 2 pounds. Two. That's it. Last saturday I "gained" 4 pounds, which puts me back up to my weight before Thanksiving. I am sure it is all water because I wasn't feeling bloated or "fat" at all... in fact my pants were fitting really good. I did my HC day on Saturday, and my "funday" yesterday.

    But here's the kicker.. this morning, I am down 1 pound from last Saturday's weight. This is a first ever for me. I have always stayed the same, or gained slightly from Saturday to Monday. Always!

    So, what have I changed? Well, I'm working on drinking more water. Last week I ate kinda crappy, and went higher on sodium some days than I wanted to on some days... and on others I didn't perfectly eat LC or HC. So it was all strange. Saturday I started a challenge with some friends and I have to drink a minimum of 64 oz of water a day. I got the 64 in on Saturday and 96 in on Sunday!!! No wonder I'm peeing so much. :laugh:

    I also decided to try to go "sugar free" as much as possible, so no more than 6g of processed sugar in a serving of anything. This included no sweets yesterday. That was strange. I ended up really high on the sodum though. Sigh. Finally I did exercise yesterday... and I don't usually on Sunday, and my calories were a little lower than I usually eat.

    So.... I'm not sure what caused the weight drop... but I'm not complaining. Here's hoping for a really good weigh this next Saturday to make up for the "gain." LOL
  • jbdowns35
    Day 2 of slingshot week, week 5 of doing CTL. I'm actually enjoying it. (but I know I will miss my chocolate peanutbutter protein shakes and my avocodos!!!) So, for any newbies out there - if it seems confusing, or complicated, or too involved, or too difficult at first, just stick with it for a week or two, I promise it gets easier & you might actually enjoy it. Maybe you wont, it might not be for everyone, but it looks like the members of this group like it & are having alot of success.

    I think I did well yesterday for my first slingshot day. I did break the rules slightly & added a small amount of blue cheese to my salad at dinner. But I also took a really great long hike in the snow - really exurted myself & did 2 pretty intense ab workouts. I'm pretty set on good healthy foods for the week. Is it ok that most of my carbs for this week will be alot of fruit? And I thawed some salmon for dinner tonight and then afterwards realized that might not be the ideal protein for a HC day since it has alot of omegas. But, it's too late now, I can't let it go to waste & it is healthy, so that's my dinner.

    Babeinthemoon - I'm constantly switching back & forth with my diet prison glasses & my diet framework glasses. What do you think about the fruit thing?? I unintentionally bought a ton of fruit & I certainly don't want any of it to go to waste, but I'm wondering if I should try to also incorporate a few more grains. For instance....my dinner tonight is jerk salmon and I would LOVE to make some fresh grilled pineapple to go with it. I will also make some kind of green veggie. But...looking at all of my meals today, I have fruit as my carb for all of them except for lunch - I'll be having a 100 calorie whole grain pita pocket. So....should I also maybe make a brown rice to go with dinner? If so, is it ok to have the pineapple AND the rice since they're both carbs?? If I have to chose one or the other, I would take the pineapple, but in that case, am I going over board on the fruit & not getting enough complex carbs, like whole grains?? Keep in mind this is my slingshot week. Advice please!!! :) Anyone?

    I love reading everyone's daily check-ins. Congrats to everyone that saw a loss last week!!! Glad to also see there are a few new people!!! Everyone is doing so great - even those who haven't seen a loss recently (like me) still seem to be happy with their experience & progress. Even if the scale stays the same or even gains a little, no one seems to be unsatisfied with their progress because we are all seing other improvements, the scale is NOT our only measure of success. We are seeing inches lost, energy shooting out our ears, renewed confidence, uplifted spirits, among other things.
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
    Mav. your gain would just be water weight . it will correct its self. Also you tiredness is from the adding back carbs in to our diet.this can last for 2 weeks
    I guess I'll just hang in there! Thanks
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Sarah! Thanks so much for looking at my diary with magnifier glasses! I'm not mad, I'm very great full. I realized I have some areas for improvements and I will work on them. You are right, I felt I had to limit my food to 1200 cal. So... on low carb days I can have carbs only for my first meal, after that eat protein and lean fat with plenty of vegetables at every meal. I will do better tomorrow.
    Today is HC and I had a protein shake with strawberries for Bkfast, for snack I had a boiled egg with wheat bread and light mayo, for lunch I'm having steak, broccoli and garden salad. Can I have another fruit? Thanks for taking your valuable time to help us.
  • jbdowns35
    Hi Sarah! Thanks so much for looking at my diary with magnifier glasses! I'm not mad, I'm very great full. I realized I have some areas for improvements and I will work on them. You are right, I felt I had to limit my food to 1200 cal. So... on low carb days I can have carbs only for my first meal, after that eat protein and lean fat with plenty of vegetables at every meal. I will do better tomorrow.
    Today is HC and I had a protein shake with strawberries for Bkfast, for snack I had a boiled egg with wheat bread and light mayo, for lunch I'm having steak, broccoli and garden salad. Can I have another fruit? Thanks for taking your valuable time to help us.

    MAV - when I started this I was confused about alot of the same things & wasn't sure if this was for me, but now it all comes pretty easy. Your mind will start to wrap itself around the basic concept soon & it will all click eventually. It's not about perfection either. Babeinthemoon has been a HUGE help with probably all of us in this group & she seems very pleased to help, she has been doing this for awhile. In fact everyone in this group has been great - supportive & helpful, so keep leaning on us, ask questions, keep us updated.

    To answer your specific questions - today, HC day - everything you said looks good to me but you are missing a carb with your lunch, so yeah, you can have fruit. I was confused about the fruit too when I first started. For me, I treat it like a carb, so no fruit on LC days, except for breakfast. Also - no cheese or fatty dressings on that salad!!! Good luck!!!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi there! I am freaking out a bit here about the sling shot thing.I tested my blood sugar last night and it was pretty high despite not eating enough. Sunday it was high but that was expected after Saturday. Today at all 3 tests it was quite high. I put a call in to the nurse practitioner but I think I already know what she may say.I don't think I can handle several days in a row of really high carb. I hope jumping off the slingshot doesn't mess anything major up. i was losing just fine last week. Do any of you have any experience with high BG and the slingshot week????? I was doing very good with the every other day. It got just slightly elevated on the high carb days but nothing like this.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I love long posts. I don't feel alone when I feel like I have so much to say! :)

    JB... you "done" good here! :laugh:
    Day 2 of slingshot week, week 5 of doing CTL. I'm actually enjoying it. (but I know I will miss my chocolate peanutbutter protein shakes and my avocodos!!!) <snip>

    Oh yes.. likely by the end of your week you will be craving them... It always makes me laugh when I crave different things at the end of a High carb week. Sometimes it is something like Pizza or mac and cheese. But one week that I ended up eating a lot of chicken & turkey, all I wanted was a big fat juicy steak w/ potatoes & a cranberry walnut salad. Go figure.

    What I find is really funny though, is that often when I was really am craving something that is in a combination that I can only have on funday, I often "forget" to eat it on funday. Go figure. LOL.

    I think I did well yesterday for my first slingshot day. I did break the rules slightly & added a small amount of blue cheese to my salad at dinner. <snip>
    And I thawed some salmon for dinner tonight and then afterwards realized that might not be the ideal protein for a HC day since it has alot of omegas. But, it's too late now, I can't let it go to waste & it is healthy, so that's my dinner.

    Okay you are fired. Nope. Get off the cruise ship.. You can't stay.. you HAD CHEESE on a High Carb day. :laugh: :laugh:

    Bwahahhaha! I'm sure you had less than 1 oz of cheese... and even if you had more... who cares! It sounds like you had a rockin' day!!

    As far as the salmon goes... it is an approved protein, to eat any day of the week. This is how I treat "high fat" proteins. I try not to have them at more than one meal of the day.. and if I do have it 2+ times in one day, I try to eat really lean meat the following day. It's all about balance. Also, when I look at my fat content for a HC day with "fatty" protein, I mentally subtract the amount of that protein's fat from my day's totals. As long as the rest of my food was under the "fat grams" that I wanted to stay under for the day, then I call it a success.

    It's the same reason why I am so glad that Chris updated his food guidelines from the book to what he has on the smart food guide that you can download. In the book we were only allowed egg whites on a HC day. Now we are allowed to eat the whole egg as a complete protein. I'm thankful for the switch. And, quite frankly, my fat content on a HC day that includes eggs is usually pretty low, unless I have ground beef or salmon or something too, so who cares! :wink:
    Babeinthemoon - I'm constantly switching back & forth with my diet prison glasses & my diet framework glasses. What do you think about the fruit thing?? I unintentionally bought a ton of fruit & I certainly don't want any of it to go to waste, but I'm wondering if I should try to also incorporate a few more grains.

    YES! Go for it! I go through phases where my HC days are only fruit, and others are only grains... and then I do days where I have a great combination of both. See if you can get grain in a a couple meals over the week... but in the meantime, enjoy that fruit!
    <Snip> So....should I also maybe make a brown rice to go with dinner? If so, is it ok to have the pineapple AND the rice since they're both carbs??

    Oh my word! Have both! You have my PERMISSION! LOL.

    Seriously. Take a look at your carb quantities for the rest of the day. Are you a little on the low side during any one meal? If so, take the dinner opportunity to add a little back in.


    Take your "fist size" quantity, and eat roughly half of it as pineapple, and roughly half as brown rice. I rarely eat a full serving of brown rice anymore... it is usually about 3/4 of the size.. and I don't feel denied. If you go over the fist size by a little bit, who cares. It will all come out in the wash eventually. Just try not to eat a full serving of each. K?

    You can do it! Enjoy your meal, and have fun!!!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Hi Sarah! Thanks so much for looking at my diary with magnifier glasses! I'm not mad, I'm very great full. I realized I have some areas for improvements and I will work on them. You are right, I felt I had to limit my food to 1200 cal. So... on low carb days I can have carbs only for my first meal, after that eat protein and lean fat with plenty of vegetables at every meal. I will do better tomorrow.
    Today is HC and I had a protein shake with strawberries for Bkfast, for snack I had a boiled egg with wheat bread and light mayo, for lunch I'm having steak, broccoli and garden salad. Can I have another fruit? Thanks for taking your valuable time to help us.

    You are welcome! I have 7+ months under my belt now... I am pretty good at identifying quantities by now. If you look at my diaries.. they are not always perfect either. But I look at it this way, I am an imperfect person, and I want to LIVE, and not be INPRISONED by my diet.

    Yes, Breakfast is always HC. No healthy fats at breakfast ever.

    Okay... well, if you must have creamer in your coffee, try to reduce the fat content down to a non-fat... if you just can't do that, then try to reduce the quantity of the creamer.. and if you won't do that... well then, just tell me to bugger off! LOL I can take it!

    Hey, last night I just gave someone permission to have a HC item on a LC day. But.. she was really craving it, and the rest of her day looked perfect, plus she was under calories.. so I said go for it! :drinker:

    Try to get veggies in at every meal. For me, I try to average a minimum of 1 fist size at each meal during a HC day. So you look good there so far... even if you don't add more veggies at your morning snack. Yes, at Lunch, you don't have a carb item listed... so go ahead and have fruit or another healthy carb. :)

    Good Luck today!! Remember it is a learning curve!! You'll catch on fast! :)
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Hi there! I am freaking out a bit here about the sling shot thing.I tested my blood sugar last night and it was pretty high despite not eating enough. Sunday it was high but that was expected after Saturday. Today at all 3 tests it was quite high. I put a call in to the nurse practitioner but I think I already know what she may say.I don't think I can handle several days in a row of really high carb. I hope jumping off the slingshot doesn't mess anything major up. i was losing just fine last week. Do any of you have any experience with high BG and the slingshot week????? I was doing very good with the every other day. It got just slightly elevated on the high carb days but nothing like this.

    Chelle, I don't have experience in this... but my husband is diabetic (type 1). He is not on CTL, but does eat everything I put in front of him. LOL (usually with no complaints, unless there is squash involved).

    How do your blood sugars look during a normal week? Are you familiar with the Glycemic index (I'm sure I spelled that wrong)? Perhaps on a HC week you need to focus more on long lasting carbs, rather than the ones that will shoot right through you and spike your sugars fast?

    Here are some options to try (I'm just guessing here):

    Maybe try doing Funday, 2 days HC, 1 day LC, 2 days HC, 1 day LC, Funday


    Maybe you HC from Breakfast Day 1, until morning snack of day 2, and have LC Lunch and afternon snack, with HC dinner on day 2. Day 3 repeat?


    Maybe you do HC all day, except your last meal where you eat LC no matter what during your slingshot week?

    There are 2 things that happen during slingshot week. First of all you are eating low fat along with the higher carbs (duh). This means that you are allowing your body to build up some new energy stores for the next few weeks. This is a good thing.

    Secondly, your HC week is usually all 1500 cal days. You are eating more calories. The theory behind this is that you are telling your body... "hey, I know things have been rough around here lately, but look.. food is plentiful, so feel free to use some of the fat stores we already have. :laugh: Please? :laugh: "

    So, on your slingshot week, even if you resort to having some LC meals, don't worry!! Keep your calories up all week. Do what works for you, and for your body! You have special considerations, so tweak the diet until it works for you!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I talked to the NP on the phone and email her the last few weeks food records. I have a plan . I have to admit having eaten low carb for quite a while kept the BG way down. I was kind of freaked to see it sky high. Obviously Fri- today high carb is too much for my system right now. She assured me I can tweak it with diet and not go back on yucky glucophage Whew!!!! Have no fear there is no getting rid of me :)
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    We must have both been typing at the same time :)I have had this under control, for years with low carb ( just too much food obviously) so i was just astounded it was so high. The advice I got was to keep it low days until my numbers are normal again. I was only getting slight elevations with the alternating days. I think you are totally right to just keep the cals in the 1500 range.
    LOL I will be my own experiment as usual. Carbs have always done better for me in the morning as far as BG goes. I am just flipping a bit going no no no because we will be leaving for the Bahamas soon. Thanks for the advice!
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks JB - I used paul Newman Light italian dressing and had some grapes at lunch.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    It's Wednesday morning... barely (11am here in Oregon), and I'm finally starting to get ready for the day. I stayed up late last night watching a movie with my DH. I have to say that "Dread" sucks... the original "Judge Dread" was way better. Same thing with the Total Recall movies. The original was so very much better than the 2nd one. At least the 2nd one with that had awesome special effects, so that almost made it worth watching. LOL Hey I love a good action/fantasy flick. These were not "good." LOL.

    Any way I'm thrilled with how I feel this morning. Most of my body aches have gone away.. so I see a run in my near future. Even without exercising yesterday I am still down just slightly from where I was yesterday morning... and that was with drinking 100oz of water too! Wow. I'll do my official weigh in for the week on Saturday. I can't wait to see how close to my 2nd 10% goal I get (at this point I'm 1.2 lbs away!)

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • jbdowns35
    Mid-week for slingshot week & I'm slightly down on the scale. Hoping to see a loss for my official weigh in this weekend. But keeping in mind it is slingshot & I shouldn't expect it. I have been putting in a little more effort with the exercise tho. Since I already have dinner pre-cooked, my evening tonight is wide open, so I am fitting in a hike AND a 30 minute workout dvd. Usually I only have time for one or the other. And since tomorrow I have the day off work, I plan to double up then too.

    I am pretty mad at myself this morning. I got to work & realized I forgot some key components to my lunch & snacks. My mid-morning snack I planned to eat some low fat wheat thins, salsa & 2 pickled eggs. Well - I forgot the wheat thins - the carb for that snack. And for lunch I planned to eat some left over pork roast stuffed into a multi-grain pita pocket with salsa, & carrot sticks. Well - I forgot the pita pocket!!! My carb for lunch!!! I'm so mad!!! Now I'm gonna have to miss my carb with 2 of my meals today!!! We have a cafeteria, but I doubt if there are many healthy options to replace what I forgot at home. Damn it.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Well, the week is almost over! YAY! Today I am feeling very update/depressed/sleepy/moody. It definitely is bumming me out. :frown: I feel like I just want to go home and go to sleep and not wake up until tomorrow. Today is a low carb day and I have no clue what I am making for dinner. Hopefully tomorrow's weigh-in will lift my spirits. :indifferent:

    I hope everyone has a good evening.

  • ChristinePechulis
    ChristinePechulis Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all!

    It has been a good week, so my fingers are crossed for a decent WI tomorrow morning. I'm happy with 1+ pounds lost as I have about 15 to go and this is all about the journey, right? Regardless, I did my best and it is what it is! I feel good, I feel strong, I feel healthy! :smile:

    I am very excited to read the actual hard-copy of Chris's book tonight. I have the electronic version on our Kindle, but I just think this will be easier and since I've been doing it for awhile, it will hopefully make more sense to me too -- and I hope to pick up some more tips.

    We are expecting some major snow here -- in upstate NY -- tomorrow and Saturday. The kids are excited. LOL.

    Have a great evening, everyone!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi everyone! My issue seems to be leveling out a bit with dropping back from so many high carb days :) Whew! I didnt want to deal with that while getting ready to go away for 2 weeks. I've got to go have an early A1C which is pointless since I havent been carb cyling 12 weeks to see if it is affecting it. I told her they are not to call me but mail me a letter since I am leaving for vacation. I I think just to be on the safe side I will keep the carbs down while traveling and then get back to the rotation. I was great with that just not so many high days. Speaking of high days I forgot I was supposed to stay at 1500 today. Sheesh did I really forget I was supposed to eat more???. I will not be weighing until tom is gone unless I decide to be brave.

    Sarah, I didn't care for the new movie as much either. My husband loved it! Glad your feeling less achey! I cant wait to hear how your weigh in goes!

    Christine good luck at weigh in! We are expecting a bunch of snow this weekend. Bleech! It's good thee kid are excited.

    JB that is exciting you are seeing a drop in the middle of slingshot!!!! Sorry to hear you forgot part of your meals. I dont think it will really mess anything up.

    UnoDrea I hope you are feeling better and found something yummy for dinner! Maybe you need to treat yourself to a little pampering?
  • ChristinePechulis
    ChristinePechulis Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all!

    I am down 1 pound this week, and am happy with that! :smile:

    I also just received my hard-copy book in the mail and was doing some reading last night. Although, I had a general idea of how to do this program, it has been eye-opening for me. It will be interesting to implement some tweaks this week and see how it goes. I feel like I am getting a much better understanding with the hard-copy Choose to Lose book.

    Fun Day today -- yay! Good day to do it too, as the kids are off of school due to a snow day. It is definitely coming down here. Will be curious to see how much we get by the time it is done tomorrow.

    Have an awesome Friday, all!

  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    @WIChelle - Thanks! I actually got to feeing better. I think the weather was a HUGE part of my mood.

    @Christine - That is an awesome loss! CONGRATS!

    Well, today was my weigh-in day and I lost 4lbs! WOOOHOOO! Even though today was my weigh-in, my freeday is not until Sunday but I will be joining in some festivites on Saturday night. I haven't been out in over a month so I am really looking forward to dancing! Anyhow, I have to work my second job on Saturday and it tends to be a great workout because I am constantly moving. I look forward to hearing about everyone's weekend on Monday. I'm sure I will have stories.

    Take care,
