SOS: Shout out Sundays 2/3

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey if you need over the past week and see what you missed or want to do this week.
Also, what did you learn this week? Change?


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    As I was sending out random "hey, haven't seen you in a few days" posts to people with less than stellar attendance, I mentioned that it should really be a daily habit like brushing your teeth, or taking a shower. Thinking about it, I realize that it's just as important as both of those things. You don't want bad breath, stinky armpits, or a fat butt. We should be drilling this into our kids' heads now, not later. We should be putting it into their bedtime ritual. This should really be a part of everyone's life.
  • coolmomjulia
    coolmomjulia Posts: 24 Member
    Agreed. The more we participate and log in, the more likely we will me to keep working towards our goal. I'm so proud of how my day went! Didn't let the Super Bowl party deter my health change!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I miscalculated pizza. I did the math for four servings when it was plainly marked six. Stupid pizza. They need diet pizza or something.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I did much better today then I have been. But I ate back ALL my exercise calories, usually I only try to eat back half. I'm still here and still logging, no matter if it was a 'bad' day or not.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I am convinced that as you build muscle your metabolism works for you, BETTER!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Last week I did some reading about the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), and I decided to try a version of it based on _DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution_ (Heller). (FYI, DASH is a "diet" in the sense of the kinds of food one regularly eats as opposed to "to diet" in the sense of being a highly restrictive unsustainable plan.)

    The first two weeks I'm to omit grains, starches, added sugar, and fruit, and then incorporate fruit and whole grains in after this initial period. (The regular DASH eating plan recommends vegetables, whole grains, fruit, low- or no-fat dairy, lean proteins, with some nuts/seeds/legumes and fats/sweets, so it's a sensible eating plan that is doable, for me, long-term with noted health benefits.)

    I read that I should anticipate some low energy/tiredness while omitting the grains, starches, fruit, and added sugar. I felt fine in the daytime, but I found myself falling asleep anywhere between 9 pm-11pm, and then sleeping 8+ hours each night, even after the first day. This, to me, is nothing short of an answered prayer because although I had been a good sleeper all my life, that changed two years ago when I want through a time of chronic stress. Since then, my sleep cycle has been so wacky...up at night/all night, sleepy during the day, unable to sleep for more than 3-4 hours a stretch.

    As you know, sleep deprivation affects everything, so having a healthy sleep cycle this past week has made me incredibly happy and relieved.

    So...that's what I learned last week, my dietary choices influence my ability to sleep (or not sleep), and that's good to know. :)