Help knowing where to start!

I'd like some advice please. I am 12 weeks pregnant, I have hypothyroidism which has not yet been controlled effectively and a heart defect which means it'd be really helpful to get as healthy as possible as early as possible to reduce the strain later.

I'm 11st 5lb (157lbs) and 5'6". I've been eating 1600-1700 cals but taking away 200 for breastfeeding my toddler, she still feeds a lot. I've been lots less active than usual because I have been so exhausted and sick with the early stages, I have still gained 4lbs in the first trimester. I'm worried that I'm still gaining when I'd hoped not to and calorie wise I've been at a slight loss.

I'm managing to eat relatively well and haven't been craving anything yet so nothing too unhealthy has made it in large quantities into my diet. I need to find gentle free exercise beyond walking, I am retesting my thyroid levels tomorrow for medication. Do you think my calories are set at a good level? Do you have any suggestions or general advise please?