Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

Hi friends! Here are a few simple ways to boost your metabolism:

1. Drink cold water. Water triggers the nervous system, which in turn stimulates your metabolism. On top of that, cold water may force your body to use energy to warm it.

2. Get more calcium in your body. There's some evidence that calcium deficiency may slow down your metabolism.

3. Have a cup of coffee. Caffeine promotes an increase in norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that keeps your nervous system activated and your metabolic rate going.

4. Do your best to get a steady eight hours of rest each night. Irregular sleep patterns can disrupt your metabolism.

5. Chew a stick of sugarless gum. Chewing gum can help your body burn more calories per hour.

6. Go for a brisk walk. A fast walk can triple your metabolic rate. This boost continues after you stop moving because the body consumes more oxygen when it's recovering from exertion.

7. Eat spicy food. Spicy food increases metabolism.

8. Drink green tea. According to researchers, green tea has the ability to stimulate your body's metabolism and speed up weight loss.

9. Do strength training exercises.

10. Eat more protein. Digesting protein takes more energy than digesting carbohydrates or fat.

11. Drink more water to stay hydrated. All of your body's chemical reactions, including your metabolism, depend on water.

***I hope everyone is having a healthy weekend!***