Back pain?

lad5144 Posts: 17 Member
Hello everyone!

I started Stronglifts last week and I just wanted to check in and see if this is normal: I have noticed some lower back pain (especially on/after the day I did Deadlifts). It is a general soreness and goes away with rest, so I'm not worried about it in an urgent sense, but I do not want to end up with an injury. Has anyone else experienced this? Could it just be because I am new to it and need to adjust/build strength? Could it be my form?



  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    If you are sure you are using correct form and it is not an injury, its probably just DOMS. On days that I do higher volume of deadlifts, my muscles will be a little sore the next day.

    Just ensure correct form and rule out the possibility of injuries. If it is DOMS, it is normal and fine. Just remember that the bulk of your force during the beginning of a deadlift comes from your hamstrings/glutes - don't pull the weight off the floor with your lower back, it can (will) cause injury! Push the weight away from the floor with your legs, after you break past your knees, engage the hips to fully extend your body.

    Ask someone to help you with form if you have any friends that you know are lifting correct, video youself and submit it for a form check on here, or hire a personal trainer to show you correct form if you are unsure. No sense in hurting yourself!
  • Do you get it on every exercise or just on the days you Deadlift? I had some back pain after I did my first two deadlifts and I re-watched Mehdi's video to check my form and make sure I was lifting from the right places. I had to do a few modifications...including walking across the gym in my socks to squat, row and deadlift in my bare feet (basically anything you are standing for). That made a HUGE difference.
  • lad5144
    lad5144 Posts: 17 Member
    a-vett, Thanks! I know it seems simple, but your form tips really helped tonight. I felt it was much better/safer and my back felt strong and fine!

    JBG, it seems to be just deadlifts. I have some soreness in general there but I think it is just DOMs and felt a lot more normal. I have been lifting in barefoot shoes as I read flat shoes are best for lifting, and that seems to be working well.