Weekly Check in

HELLO PbRC Members! Let us know how last week went for you! Was it tough, what worked? what didn't? How are you feeling?


  • cougar417
    Recording everything worked well this week! Was able to keep my intake more steady throughout the day. First BLC weigh in was awesome!
  • angelagibson4
    I am really loving having more friends on MFP. It has made me more accountable and the encouragement has been great! I finally lost the rest of my holiday weight, so now I am ready to get rid 30 more pounds this year!
  • RunGirlLisa
    It was good for me to get back to recording. My eating habits had gone downhill while training for the marathon, so it's helping me stay on track. There were a couple of days when I went above my allotted calories, but it was because I was truly hungry.
  • blackburn2413
    My sodium levels are a joke. I "cheated" and got Subway yesterday and after totaling everything up, it was like 2000mg+ of sodium along. I'm holding a good amount of water this morning... Oh well, tomorrow morning and a 2-3lb loss will make me feel better, haha.

    Otherwise, just completed day 17 of Insanity so that's still going great!
  • shannongam
    Had a really easy time the first week and was really proud of myself. This week however has been more tough. I developed some heel pain and its been hard to exercise, so I am just trying to keep my calories in check
  • mskared
    mskared Posts: 6 Member
    Typical... first week I behaved... second week I didn't behave... Gotta start flying right!