Jolly Rancher, Rock Candy, Now-Laters... 2/5

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

I love short sweet and to the point articles. So comrades be aware of sugar on the table that you add to your coffee or cereal....or you may say "Wonder Woman I don't use sugar! I use____instead!"
Okay, but still be aware of the sugars in the processed foods you buy...bread, boxed anything, ready made meals...just add meat, or canned products and packaged meats. Sugar is everywhere! Read the labels!

Try to avoid excess sugar today! Read the labels at home of the processed foods you have at home. Where is sugar on the ingredient list. Don't be fooled Sugar comes in many different names but is still a 'rose'!!!!!!!! HA!



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Doc told me my sugar was a little high. I'm not doing much as it is and I don't think I can do straight tea without some in it. I'm at a loss for what to cut out here.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I have to watch sugar constantly, most GF products are higher in sugar than traditional "bread" products, so I have started attempting to cut out the breads to see if I can get by with minimal amounts (but I sure miss a good sandwich sometimes) I don't think that I would cut out all GF breads, I am starting to learn which ones are lower in sugars and lean towards those (oddly enough the ones with lower sugar taste better and closer to "real" bread to me) but I do want to lower the amount I eat overall
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Sugar comes in so many guises. I do know that when I was using Splenda, I found that my sweet tooth - my crave for sweet flavor - became worse. So I switched to Stevia. I find I can put in my 3 tsp of stevia in my tea and not have the sweet tooth craving that I had with Splenda. Now - if I can just figure out how to conquer chocolate.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I was actually just thinking about ways I could cut down my sugar intake the other day. I tend to go over my daily amount multiple times a week... I don't use extra sugar to sweeten anything, but I eat a lot more processed food than I should. I do think a lot of my sugar comes from the fruit that I eat though which is a good thing I guess. Hopefully my plan to give up soda and fast food for Lent will also help a little bit.
    I like this challenge a lot though! Thanks for sharing the article. It makes me want to go read all of the labels on the foods in my pantry just to see how many unexpected items are hiding sugar in them! Haha
  • smallmuscleathelete
    Since Jan 10, 2013, I quit drinking coke! Well, I used to drink 1 can of regular coke a day, but I have stopped that and only drink tea and water. I don't put sugar in tea as I'm Asian (lol, hope this won't count as "cheating")... still eat dessert here and there but I am now aware of portion size! My hubby and I also start to read food label when we go grocery shopping.
    - This is a good challenge :-)
  • bucketbott
    bucketbott Posts: 28 Member
    Doc told me my sugar was a little high. I'm not doing much as it is and I don't think I can do straight tea without some in it. I'm at a loss for what to cut out here.

    Celestial Seasonings has a wonderful Apple Cinnamon herbal tea. It magically tastes sweet without adding any sugar! I drink it all the time when I'm craving something sweet.

    [ ]
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Doc told me my sugar was a little high. I'm not doing much as it is and I don't think I can do straight tea without some in it. I'm at a loss for what to cut out here.

    Celestial Seasonings has a wonderful Apple Cinnamon herbal tea. It magically tastes sweet without adding any sugar! I drink it all the time when I'm craving something sweet.

    [ ]

    Most celestial seasonings are caffeine free (including their apple cinnamon). Are you trying to kill me? :drinker:

    I have a box of their Morning Thunder and Chai, which are probably their only two caffeinated varieties. I still want a little sugar in it. Thanks for trying though.
  • bucketbott
    bucketbott Posts: 28 Member

    Haha. I understand! I'm a big fan of Earl Grey myself; I like to start off my morning by feeling like Captain Picard. The Apple Cinnamon is more of a nighttime thing for me since that's when I start to crave dessert.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I am bad, even after reading the warnings I still want my sugar. However I will behave and at least cut back but gosh darn it today is the worst day to do that. TOM is hear visiting and I cannot get him to leave. We all know how he manipulates us into eating sweets.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Doc told me my sugar was a little high. I'm not doing much as it is and I don't think I can do straight tea without some in it. I'm at a loss for what to cut out here.

    YOU ever try The other evils like Splenda, Truvia or some good ones like Stevia and xylitol? Agave nectar?
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    So I switched to Stevia. I find I can put in my 3 tsp of stevia in my tea and not have the sweet tooth craving that I had with Splenda. Now - if I can just figure out how to conquer chocolate.

    I use Stevia...I go to the health food store to get the clean kind not the Truvia kind. Love the stuff and I totally agree with you.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I have a box of their Morning Thunder and Chai, which are probably their only two caffeinated varieties. I still want a little sugar in it. Thanks for trying though.

    I just finished a box of Morning Thundar...mah...I liked the Roastarama better! Mr Aak I am going to nickname you SUGAR-DADDY!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Is this really how you see me?

  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Is this really how you see me?


    LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!