The Fresh 20

I know that I shouldn't spam, but I thought a lot of Mom's might like this, I know I do. It's a site that sends a meal plan/grocery list to you every week. 20 items, less than 80 dollars a week to feed a family of four. It also has the caloric/nutritional breakdown of all the foods so I love that. The foods are amazing and all non-preservative and fresh. I just thought I would share because I'm in love with it. Last night my kids ate Quinoa (a type of grain/rice looking thing) with snap peas, carrots, and chicken and gobbled it down. I love watching them eat their veggies without complaining. It's not really a diet, but I've lost weight using it, and my husband has lost 15 pounds in the past month just adjusting with these dinners. I hope you enjoy.