Follicle check

Qfrump Posts: 64 Member
After my first round of provera and 50mg (days 3-7) of clomiphene, I am scheduled to have a follicle check ultrasound tomorrow (CD10) afternoon. For those of you who have been there before, are there questions I should ask? When I went for the initial ultrasound that suggested PCOS, the tech didn't say anything at all. I also start using the ovulation predictor kits tomorrow.

The cost of infertility treatments is ridiculous--I think it is even worse than the wedding industry!


  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    They don't tell you much, they will tell you the size.. and when and if they think you will ovulate... and tell you to BD those days..other than that, I haven't really got much information. Good luck!
  • Qfrump
    Qfrump Posts: 64 Member
    Looks like I had about 20 tiny follicles on my right ovary ( a non-PCOS lady could expect to have around 10) and only one "dominant" follicle on the left measuring at 9mm on CD10. I'm not sure what the next step is, but it looks like 50mg of clomid was not the answer for me this round.
  • Caryn03
    Caryn03 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey Queen. I was recently about 7-8 months ago with PCOS. But, I feel like what your doing now is what I did in the beginning.

    I had about 36 follicles on one side and 42 on another. I took Prometrium which helps me start my cycle and then I take Clomid. My first round was exactly like you have, where I didn't really have a Dominant one. So we actually increased the amount of days I would take the Clomid, but they didn't increase the mg of it.

    My Follicle checks are on CD 13 or so. So they will want to determine when the best time would be to do your check. A mature Follicle is a min of 15 and it's possible that that one could release. However, I know for me they are looking for any ones 18 and above.

    I don't really remember any quesitons I asked. I would ask whenever I thought of one. Even if it's questions about what they are measuring, what they are looking at, what does the follicle or the lining need to be at. Just ask as you go along.

    Good Luck!
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    They will probably up your meds next month. They want them between 18-20 is what they told me before they would release. Sometimes I would have to go in a few times because it would just take longer for them to develop with me, and I would actually ovulated 5-10 later they they expected. Don't consider yourself out all the way this month.. you never know! :)
  • Qfrump
    Qfrump Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you, ladies! I really appreciate the feedback! I'm holding on to the slim chance that this 9mm follicle will be the one! It's always nice to hear from someone who has done the same thing or is doing it now.
  • Qfrump
    Qfrump Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you, ladies! I really appreciate the feedback! I'm holding on to the slim chance that this 9mm follicle will be the one! It's always nice to hear from someone who has done the same thing or is doing it now.

    Update: I called my ob/gyn's office to see what I was supposed to now and they think I just did the u/s too early. (Why then, does the paperwork say days 10-12)? I will go in again on Monday (CD 14) to see if any progress has been made. I will pick up a trigger shot beforehand so they can administer if appropriate while I am there. The nurse I spoke to also said "do not leave until your doctor talks to you." Yeah! This experience has been so disjointed, I'm not really ever sure what I'm supposed to be doing next. If I hadn't called, it would have been days before anybody even looked at the ultrasound to make any suggestions.
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    Thank you, ladies! I really appreciate the feedback! I'm holding on to the slim chance that this 9mm follicle will be the one! It's always nice to hear from someone who has done the same thing or is doing it now.

    Update: I called my ob/gyn's office to see what I was supposed to now and they think I just did the u/s too early. (Why then, does the paperwork say days 10-12)? I will go in again on Monday (CD 14) to see if any progress has been made. I will pick up a trigger shot beforehand so they can administer if appropriate while I am there. The nurse I spoke to also said "do not leave until your doctor talks to you." Yeah! This experience has been so disjointed, I'm not really ever sure what I'm supposed to be doing next. If I hadn't called, it would have been days before anybody even looked at the ultrasound to make any suggestions.

    Good Luck.. Hope you have some big follicules. Do you go to a spcialist or just your OBGYN? I have been on Clomid and now Femera trying for #2 and I have been on and off the drugs for a little over 2 years now, and nothing. My dr. wants to send me to a specialist, but the closest one is in Seattle, and non of it is covered by insurance, so I am at the point of it all be over. Was hoping that the femera would of worked. I am still on the lowest dose of femera, so I figure I will go to the highest dose and when I get to that point I will have to accept that I have been defeated and move on. I have never been offered the shot just curious what that does. Good Luck!!
  • Qfrump
    Qfrump Posts: 64 Member
    I've just been seeing my gynecologist. I'm willing to do a few rounds of clomid with her before transferring to the reproductive endocrinologist. The trigger shot is supposed to ensure that you ovulate. I went in on Day 14, and again on Day 16 (all at $124 an ultrasound). On CD 16 I had one mature follicle (18mm by 19mm), so the trigger shot was supposed to make it rupture in 12-36 hours. Generally they want to see an egg at at least 20mm by the time of ovulation. It is often used in combination with IUI, but this time around we just went the standard route. If you never got a mature follicle, there would be no reason to get a trigger shot.

    The trigger shot plays games on you since it is HCG. It stays in your system and will give you a false positive on a hpt. No early testing for me! I'm in the 2ww now.

    However, I think there are also variants of the shot that you do periodically to try to get mature follicles. Maybe you can ask your doctor about injectables?

    Good luck! Was your first child conceived with the aid of fertility medications?
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    I've just been seeing my gynecologist. I'm willing to do a few rounds of clomid with her before transferring to the reproductive endocrinologist. The trigger shot is supposed to ensure that you ovulate. I went in on Day 14, and again on Day 16 (all at $124 an ultrasound). On CD 16 I had one mature follicle (18mm by 19mm), so the trigger shot was supposed to make it rupture in 12-36 hours. Generally they want to see an egg at at least 20mm by the time of ovulation. It is often used in combination with IUI, but this time around we just went the standard route. If you never got a mature follicle, there would be no reason to get a trigger shot.

    The trigger shot plays games on you since it is HCG. It stays in your system and will give you a false positive on a hpt. No early testing for me! I'm in the 2ww now.

    However, I think there are also variants of the shot that you do periodically to try to get mature follicles. Maybe you can ask your doctor about injectables?

    Good luck! Was your first child conceived with the aid of fertility medications?

    Yes, Ali was a clomid baby. I thought it took FOREVER... but really it only took 3 rounds of Clomid. This time around I used Clomid for about 7 cycles, and everytime I went into the dr. I never had any big follicules. When I changed to Femera, I have gotten AF on it's own, and regularly, and I have had a couple positive ovulation test kits.. so I assume it's workign, I haven't been in for a ultrasound. I will probably have to do that next month. I have been trying to stay way from it as much as possible due to the cost. But I think the dr. will want to see if it's working or not, so I think I will have to come in sooner than later. I may have to ask the dr. about those. Well keep us updated on your progress!!
  • jbirkett7
    jbirkett7 Posts: 36 Member
    Queen late here on the discussion, but just wanted to check in to see if you had any luck. I went through a similar process to conceive my son who is just about to turn 1. Similar to you, they held back my trigger shot until much later, CD21. We decided not to do the IUI and were very lucky to have success the first time around. Hoping that you are successful soon.
  • Qfrump
    Qfrump Posts: 64 Member
    Queen late here on the discussion, but just wanted to check in to see if you had any luck. I went through a similar process to conceive my son who is just about to turn 1. Similar to you, they held back my trigger shot until much later, CD21. We decided not to do the IUI and were very lucky to have success the first time around. Hoping that you are successful soon.

    Thanks Jbirkett7! We WERE successful! I'm currently 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I have my first appointment right at 8 weeks. We are so excited!
  • jbirkett7
    jbirkett7 Posts: 36 Member
    Congratulations! Wishing you a easy and non-eventful pregnancy. It's totally worth it all.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member