Who said Mama isn't always right?!?!? Ha! 2/6

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Sorry I am late today comrades! i went to the doctor which had me thinking about all you fabulous and zealous MFPers!

I had some issues with blood work so the doctor had me come in for follow up. My vitamin D is severly low so must start therapy. I am sure some of you are familiar with the Vit D issues in the USA now. But what I like that she did (new doctor) is she went over EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! The Cholesterol value by value, CBC value by value...etc

My CHALLENGE to you is for you to not only think of just WEIGHT but the total package! Change our thought processes to not just be obsessed with the scale but your 'inside' health! This is Heart Month! How are your lab values? When is the last time that you not only went to the doctor but acutally went over the values? Any changes needed?
Be proactive in your health....it is NOT just about being 'skinny'.

Have a heart and take care of your total self! Smooch and hug!

WW PS-Ms Angel Loves gave ex of her daughter who is skinny but has bad lab values and it made me think too today!


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I did the whole annual checkup thing last week. Negative for high blood pressure (HDL, LDL, triglycerides all within good ranges), negative for diabetes (apparently my sugar was a little high, but not enough to be worried about and would probably go down as I lose weight.), and negative for...I don't really know what the other tests were, but I'm completely clean of bad stuff. I guess all that green leafy stuff I've been eating has paid off.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I feel for ya with the Vit D, but I was at low end of normal (as in lowest number on average range and doc said that was probably because I had gone outside to walk in the sun the day before... ordering doc said don't change your routine and Wed WAS walk/jog day that week... and I do that outside... and I live in Florida... anyway) so she said to start taking vit d pills every day (if that doesn't get it up to median then shot time!!!) I get my lab work tested every year at my annual exam with primary.

    I'm a lab rat so she knows to order more than routine or I'll pester her til she does, she doesn't go over everything, but I do get a copy of the report to review myself and we discuss any abnormals (still cholesterol :grumble: ). She knows that I know the numbers because I have a lab background and will bring up anything that I'm concerned about.

    We have been actively discussing my weight concerns (the doctor's association that my doc is in has an email set up so you can contact your doctor via email rather than making an appointment for non immediate care issues) and working on finding a solution. If I have any thing done by another doc, when she gets the report she reviews it and if she feels it needs addressing (even if the other doc didn't ...ex: the vit d was ordered by my allergist and she didn't think it needed anything for care...primary was the one that said start taking it ) she will contact me to make sure that something is being done about it to her satisfaction... I have an awesome doc!

    Here's a heart for you WW! :heart:
  • smallmuscleathelete
    A great thought... I really should start to get an annual check-up soon.
    Right now, I know I am low in almost everything (blood pressure, cholesterol)... except weight! lol...
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Check-up is scheduled in two weeks.

    (Not looking forward to it, though, TBH. :frown:)
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I had mine on Christmas Eve and they called and said everything looked great. But I want a copy of my labs. I use to have this great lab work done in Oregon and I still have those books so I know what my labs need to look like and what issues I should follow up on if the numbers vary. Good reminder to call the doc so that I can get those. Thanks!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I will be having a check-up soon. It is required to adopt a child. Once I know the results I will fill you in. I am highly curious since the last time I was at doctor's office I weighed 198 and had a slue of issues. Now I weigh 143.5 and feel more fit than when I was a teen.

    My next challenge/change I will make after I conquer the whole drinking water will be better food choices. Hold me to it, please. This one I might try to wiggle out of.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    We have been actively discussing my weight concerns (the doctor's association that my doc is in has an email set up so you can contact your doctor via email rather than making an appointment for non immediate care issues) and working on finding a solution. If I have any thing done by another doc, when she gets the report she reviews it and if she feels it needs addressing (even if the other doc didn't ...ex: the vit d was ordered by my allergist and she didn't think it needed anything for care...primary was the one that said start taking it ) she will contact me to make sure that something is being done about it to her satisfaction... I have an awesome doc!

    OMG!!!!!!!!! I love that philosophy of how they work! That is great way of communicating! Great practice!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    My next challenge/change I will make after I conquer the whole drinking water will be better food choices. Hold me to it, please. This one I might try to wiggle out of.

    Me too! My bff made a joke about me to some folks bc I don't drink water! So the next day I drank 2 glasses and thought I was hot stuff...2 glasses mind you! Sad I know.
  • CindyRip
    CindyRip Posts: 166 Member
    Well said, Vitamin D and B 6 improved my attitude also. I have delt with depression on and off during my life, tried prescriptions but could not tolerate the side effects. I have been taking this for 2 years and can really tell after a few days of not taking it that it is working as I fall into what I call a blue funk. My vitamin D levels were on the low end of normal when I started taking it, even so it has made a huge difference in my life.