Upping Calories...thoughts?

I just read several posts talking about weight loss plateau and upping calories to reboot your metabolism. One of the posters listed a site: www.fat2fitradio.com...it said I should have a calorie goal of 1650. I've been pretty good at staying with in the 1200 range, and I burn 600 a day thru exercise, but I haven't lost ANY weight in a couple of weeks, and even gained a lb or two.

I'm to the point where I don't even want to weigh myself for fear of seeing another step backwards. UGH

Has anyone tried upping their calories in attempt to retrigger weight loss? How did it work? What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance for your input!


  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I hate to sound like a broken record, but are you replacing the 600 calories you burn? If not you are netting only 600 calories a day ( if you are going by MFP settings) and that could very well be too low, the number MFP gives you already has a calorie deficit built in based on your goals.

    Try replacing those 600 calories for a few weeks or try the fat2fit number and see how that works. It's worth a shot.

    Is the fat2fit number your TDEE - 20%? If it is you do not need to replace calories burned.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Two weeks is too short of a period to accurately measure results. A few pounds could be nothing more than water weight based on exercise, sodium levels, hydration, etc. That being said, I completely agree with dinosnopro that you should be eating back the calories you burn from exercise.

    If you want a more detailed answer, you need to provide us more details.

    What is your BMR/TDEE?
    Your 1200 calorie consumption was based on what weekly weight loss goal? (what daily TDEE deficit are you targeting)
    1650 calories a day target from the website you mention is based on what deficit goal?
    Are you sure you are properly measuring your caloric intake/exercise burn rates?
  • cnanderson28
    1800 or so is my overall calorie intake, burn off 600, ending up with 1200 calories...I think I'm doing that right?

    I have my goal set to lose 2lbs/wk

    My BMR if 1644 and my TDEE is 2260

    TDEE is 20%

    I'm sure I'm measuring my excercise rates correctly, and when I'm unsure I err on the side of caution. I think caloric intake is right too...anything I eat gets recorded....even the bad stuff. The only thing I don't put down are supplements (multivitamin, iron, and calcium)
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    If you're eating at -20% of your TDEE, then don't worry about net so much because you've already factored in your exercise. I have my diary set at a specific cal goal (2017 which is -20% of my TDEE) and I don't add or worry about exercise cals because that's what your TDEE takes care of.

    Like the others said, you need to give this 4-6 weeks to see any progress. When I follow the cals, I lose weight consistently. And I'm happy cuz I'm not hungry :)

    ETA: I used scoobys calculator to get my TDEE http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Based on this you have an average daily deficit of 1060 (2260-1800-600= 1060). This is an aggressive deficit (which over time should cause you to lose about 2 pounds a week), so feel free to eat a little bit more if you want a plan that is easier to sustain for the long run. Eating back your 600 exercise calories would still leave you at a 460 daily deficit (which is almost 1 pound per week of weight loss).

    I think you will see the results you are looking for. Let us know how you are doing in another month!

    Good luck!

    1800 or so is my overall calorie intake, burn off 600, ending up with 1200 calories...I think I'm doing that right?

    I have my goal set to lose 2lbs/wk

    My BMR if 1644 and my TDEE is 2260

    TDEE is 20%

    I'm sure I'm measuring my excercise rates correctly, and when I'm unsure I err on the side of caution. I think caloric intake is right too...anything I eat gets recorded....even the bad stuff. The only thing I don't put down are supplements (multivitamin, iron, and calcium)