Insulin Resistance - Does anyone else monitor blood sugar?

txsbbtc Posts: 5 Member
Greetings all,

I was diagnosed with PCOS with insulin resistance about 3 weeks ago. The signs have been there for a long time, just never put the whole picture together until my doctor and I were both surprised by my lab work this year. All of the sudden, my cholesterol and blood sugar were higher than normal (not super high, just outside of the normal range) and, oh yeah, I gained 40 pounds in a year with no changes in diet (I have been gluten free for 4 years). While discussing PCOS and the insulin resistance, my doctor suggested that I use a glucose monitor. She said it wasn't a normal recommendation for a prediabetic, but that I might find it helpful.

Has anyone else gotten this recommendation?


  • happierandstronger
    I too am insulin resistant (and as far as I know not pre diabetic) but have not received this recommendation. I have had my blood sugars checked in the past though if I've noticed I'm doing something out of the ordinary - like falling asleep on the couch during the middle of the day when I'm feeling perfectly fine - just as a precaution but I've always been within normal blood sugar range.
  • shannasaurus_rex
    shannasaurus_rex Posts: 27 Member
    Though my doctor has not advised it, I have been thinking I might want to start monitoring my own blood sugar - instead of waiting for my bi-annual labwork. I don't know how it works though. Can you just buy a monitoring kit at a pharmacy or do you need a prescription? Thanks for starting this thread because it's been on my mind too.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    You don't need a prescription. I bought mine from walgreens (a drug store here). They make their own and it was only like 20 bucks with some strips. You have to buy a kit if you want the lancer as well.
  • countesscharleyangel
    I was diagnosed as diabetic before pcos, so I don't know if this recommendation is weird. I wouldn't think so because everyone who has insulin resistance has a great chance of developing diabetes. You can buy the monitors over the counter. But I'll warn you, it gets so tiring testing your sugar everyday.
  • txsbbtc
    txsbbtc Posts: 5 Member
    No, you don't need a prescription (but insurance won't cover it if you don't). I ordered my glucose monitor starter kit off of Amazon for $13. The meter is cheap. The strips are expensive. So far Amazon seems to have the best price.

    My doctor wants me to use this to do my own, personalized GI diet. This way, I can see exactly what is causing spikes in my blood sugar.