Stomache heat cramps

Uggh. Anyone have home remedy? I drink 2 sometime 3 bottle of spring water before run. Nothing on run. My average run is a 10k long run 15k. The temp. here is not bad or as hot as July Aug and Sept. I feel like it is my internal thermostat. Thoughts?


  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    Love to say there's a quick answer from me, but no such luck. I've been tweaking for about 2 years, trying to find something that will stop the heat cramps any time I work out (not just when I run).

    I have found, tho, that the cramps are less if I drink gatorade or powerade before running / working out rather than just straight water. Don't know if it's coincidence since I haven't tried going back to straight water to see if they get worse again.
    Oh, and I do take sips of water during my long runs - rather than nothing at all.

    I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone else has any ideas.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yes, to the above. I was going to recommend orange slices. It has the moisture, and some sugars, in case the problem isn't just water. If you are sweating a lot, you lose a lot more than just water.
  • girlsrun
    Have you ever tried Electrolyte Replacement Supplements or Salt pills?? They really help me.