SOS: Shout out Sundays 2/9

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Okay troops how was your week? We discussed choosing healthier products from the frozen food aisle, monitoring your sugar intake not just at the table but in processed foods we buy in labels, not making excuses for our behaviors that lead to weight gain and finally all of this so we can take care of our hearts! Who does not want a heart that beats more efficiently!?!

What did you learn from this or another experience this week?! Share so we can all learn together.


  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    I made lots of...sub-par dietary choices last week. (Too much added sugar, not enough veggies.)

    I haven't been very active this month, but I'm trying to get moving again. My MFP pals know I want to move more and are encouraging me with this, too.

    I tried 1/2 and avocado drizzled with Sriracha sauce. (Someone on MFP mentioned this combo.) It was delicious. So, I found a new healthy snack. :)

    Goals this week: 1) consume less added sugar, more veggies!, 2) move every day, & 3) eat avocados!

    ps: I really liked the :heart:-healthy foods slide you posted this week, WW. Thanks.
  • rochellena
    rochellena Posts: 49 Member
    I got a litle too lax this week- very little exercise, eating out multiple times, eating pre-packaged instead of making my own, etc, and it really affected me in a negative way. I"ve been more lethargic this weekend, my stomach has been making really unsettling sounds, I'm extra grumpy. Just all around, I don't feel healthy and happy. This week has definitely been a good eye-opener for showing me how much my habits (good and bad) are linked to my moods.

    I'm really trying to cut down on my sugar intake. I've halved the amount I put in my coffee and tea (which might seem like a big deal, but considering I sometimes will drink 4 or 5 8-10 oz cups of tea a day, it is big for me), and am at least trying to be more aware of how much is in my food. Baby steps!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I was watching the news and they said how February is the hardest month to get adequate sleep. Inadequate sleep leads to depression and depression when left untreated can lead to suicides. Yes, that right, more deaths take place in February than any other month. This is according to the news report. The accuracy of statistics could be flawed but hey it stands to reason. I have heard from several MFPers that they are depressed or out of sorts this past week in particular. I too have been fighting the blues.

    Apparently the dark is the longest during February and you add that to the fact it is winter which means many cloudy days you get a recipe for depression. In addition because it is cold and I am sad I want comfort food. Unfortunately comfort food makes the depression worse. Too many sugars and starches and rich foods evidently only enhance the sensors that emit a frumpy mood. I have been exercising and I know that that has helped but it did not prevent me from having a melt down.

    I vote to eliminate the month of February or better yet move to a tropical island with plenty of sunshine. Who is with me?
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Well, I learned partying at Superbowl has consequences I gained so...face the music! Back to the drawing board! I want to stay in the 140s! Jeeeez!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I was watching the news and they said how February is the hardest month to get adequate sleep. Inadequate sleep leads to depression and depression when left untreated can lead to suicides.

    WOOHOO! I sleep like a rock. I sleep enough for all my hours and some of yours too.

    Oh, and I hit the -30 pound mark this week. Only 55 more to go.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I slept like crap last night so that explains why I've felt the way I have today.

    I learned to not deprive myself of anything. If I want to eat something then I should just do it and stop freaking out so much about how it will slow down my weight loss. When I deprive myself, I feel horrible, lost, and get "hangry". I just need to remember moderation.

    I also learned not to push myself TOOOOO hard when exercising. If I really don't feel up to it, I should stick to just 10-15 minute workouts instead of being mad that I forced myself to do 30 mins.

    I'd rather lose weight slowly and be happy while doing it then try to lose faster and be miserable.

    Edit: I lost my first pound in 2 weeks btw. :smile: 1 lb, not much but its better then nothing.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I went out to eat for a friend's birthday Sunday after church and I didn't make the best choices in regards to restaurant food. I knew I wouldn't have time to exercise that day so I should have ordered something healthier. It taught me that I need to pay more attention to the healthy options on the menu because I tend to overlook them. Also, if I really want a certain item I need to make time to exercise and make up for the extra calories that I ate. That is one of the things I am going to challenge myself to do in the coming weeks when I eat out.

    Also, I have been trying to pay more attention to the amount of sugar in the foods I eat since your challenge earlier this week. I haven't necessarily cut out anything, but I'm started to become more aware of it and I'm hoping that I can slowly start to weed out the foods in my diet that contain a lot of sugar.

    Good luck to everyone this week in making wise food choices. :smile:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    After reading everyones and rethinking my goals and plans I have relearned yet again within 2 days! LOL! I am going enjoy life and accept the place my body is at in this stage of my life...lose weight safely and maintain it w/out being obsessive or depriving or crazed or going by other people's pace or even what 'society' says the pace should be...all me! I am a work in progress! WOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Since this is the SOS for last week, here's what I learned: I don't really know how many calories I SHOULD be eating... it's been however many the bad diet I was on telling me to eat, what MFP was telling me to eat, what I was trying to figure out using the TDEE-20%, or pure guess work... my metabolism is a mess because of all the "diets" I did.

    So I need to find out how many calories to eat, spoke to a trainer at my gym (the one Super Trainer was going to talk to but hadn't had a chance to) and he said I need to find out the right number or I will never get anything to work.... he's right and he told me what I need to do, first I need to find out how many calories I burn per day with my various activities (and in some cases lack of activity) then once I have that I can determine what the average is and then I can start eating less than that amount and then I can start to lose... I was travelling this past week so I didn't get to start learning how many calories I'm burning, I will be starting that tomorrow and hopefully moving in the right direction in a few weeks