How many hearts are U taking care of? Woof Meow! 2/11

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member


Hey this February/Heart Month/Valentine's Day don't just give your sweetie a notion of love but your pet too! what are you doing for Fido? What about your feline domestica? Hey they are getting more heart, cholesterol and health issues because of US! we feed them too much and do not give enough exercise!

So, the challenge for you is to change your pets habits and if getting a new puppy or kitten think about how you will keep them ACTIVE for years to come! Why should you be the only one getting in shape?!?! WOOF MEOW....they told me to tell you! :D

WW PS they are so cute!!!!!!!!!


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Tank 1 (10 Gallon)
    5 guppies (1 adult and four juvenile)

    Tank 2 (10 Gallon)
    1 Betta
    5 Cherry Barb
    4 Kuhli Loach
    1Otocinclus Catfish

    Tank 3 (29 Gallon)
    1 Snakeskin Gourami (Too big for the tank. Needs to be rehomed.)
    1 Pearl Gourami
    1 Bolivian Ramirezi
    4 Peppered Cory
    1 Clown Pleco
    2 Platy

    So that's 25 extra hearts being fed on a varied diet of flake, algae wafers, granules and blood worms. :tongue:
    In one of the tanks I'm working on adding soft sand, and will probably replace the gravel with soft sand in the future. I guess that's a nice thing for the fish.
  • Two indoor dogs (miniature poodle and a shih tzsu)
    1 outdoor dog (german shorthair pointer)
    2 mutts that really want me to be their owner, but I just don't know if I can do it.

    I walk with all my dogs in the summer, spring & fall, but winter is just so cold. I can't get my german shorthair to stop jumping, too, and she gets me all muddy. It's awesome to watch her chase up all the birds!
  • I have 3 additional hearts to take care of...Duke, Phoenix, and Bleu

    Two furbaby pups, and one furbaby cat. One of my pups is very old and cannot walk that much, but my 1 year old pup loves to walk...I will make it a point to walk him for 15-30 minutes every day that it is warm enough. When it is too cold, his feet get cold and he cries.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay so my question for the dog people...when you say too cold outside where do they 'doodie'? Do they still go out?
    How do you get exercise for them?
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    My furbabies are cats. Twin boys, 6 years old.

    One just got out of the hospital with bladder problems, hes doing much better. But his brother is still mad at him for having been gone 2 days. They are indoor cats. So they usually get special food and only go outside on a leash so they can get fresh air, eat grass and roll in the dirt. The dirt is my least favorite part.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I have fish, unsure how many, they are in my 23 yo disgusting room that I refuse to go in.

    I have two cats. Autumn 14 yo a beautiful calico with black, orange, tan, white, brown; Darth Mittens 4 yo a feisty mischievous cat who will attack you at random and thinks he is a dog. He is a fraidy cat at that.

    I have four dogs. Demi Mure a Australian shepherd/black lab mutt that loves people to death. Her bark is like an annoying fire alarm. Worse she barks at any movement. You could be coming down from the second floor and she barks. Beauti Ful the best dog ever! She is a beautiful English Springer Spaniel. She is well behaved and has quite the character. I swear she understands everything you say. Beauty has a sister, Shirley and she is squirrely. Shirley is a goofball. she will make you laugh. Ayla the Cocker Spaniel lives up to her name. She is attracts all kinds of filth. We give her a bath and seconds later she has all kinds of garbage and debris stuck to her hair. She is my dust mop and a my guard. Yes the smallest dog is my fiercest dog.

    The past two days I took the dogs for a walk thanks to my daughter Autumn. She is a real good animal care taker. Today we are taking four of the six pets to the vet. Wish me luck!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I have two kitties: a female torti Trilby Bastet and an all black male Toulouse Sekhmet. I adopted them when they were kittens (they are both 11 now) from the local shelter. Even thought they are indoor kitties, they still chase each other to play and play with toys, of course their play fight last night resulted in a broken wing on a lamp since they knocked the lamp over (at 11:00 at night... on my first night back from my trip) but I still love them and make sure they are healthy and happy