Do you ever wonder

Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
...for older people like myself doing crossfit, how much can you take? I mean it may be because I'm getting older or I'm just a big guy at 240-250 lbs. But the cardio aspect of crossfit kills me. I feel like my heart and lungs are going to explode,lol. Maybe if I dropped weight to 220-225 lbs. Or does crossfit do this to everybody?


  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    On the long chipper type workouts I think it's everybody man. It's not like when your training to run some long distance and you get up to a point where x amount of miles are easy. CrossFit is always hard....for me at least.
  • Scar1964
    Scar1964 Posts: 92 Member
    ...for older people like myself doing crossfit, how much can you take? I mean it may be because I'm getting older or I'm just a big guy at 240-250 lbs. But the cardio aspect of crossfit kills me. I feel like my heart and lungs are going to explode,lol. Maybe if I dropped weight to 220-225 lbs. Or does crossfit do this to everybody?

    It's not just you. I'm 48 and medium build (5'10" @ 205) and it absolutely kills me. I'm only beginning my 6th week so I'm looking to CF 3x and fill in w/ some weights and running. I do think it's a bit more difficult on the big guys. Just my opinion.
  • It's rough on everybody. I'm 41 and have been crossfitting since Sept. 2012. I'm the oldest person there most of the time and I'm no more or less destroyed than anybody else. Also, check out some of the workouts videos on YouTube. You'll see people in fantastic shape looking like they just got their *kitten* kicked. Laying all over the floor panting, but that's one thing that makes CrossFit so great. No matter what shape you're in or how old you are, you are suffering just as much as the person beside you. You may not be pulling as many reps, weight, or faster times, but you are muscling through together. It's a great bond to make.

    The point is to stick with it. Like a lot of things, CrossFit is more mental than physical. Don't listen to that voice in your head (a.k.a. The Suck) that is telling you can't do it. You can and you will. Take it one rep at a time.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Well I powerlifted for 12 years, 6'3" 270lbs. at the time. I started back last year and the range of motion or mobility was not there. Flexibility just not there. Joints pretty much done for. But a friend of mine said try crossfit. Its strengthened the muscle around my joints to where I'm ok in lifting the heavy stuff now. Right now I'm struggling with the cardio part of it. When ever we do heavy lifts in crossfit I'm good.
  • Scar1964
    Scar1964 Posts: 92 Member
    Well I powerlifted for 12 years, 6'3" 270lbs. at the time. I started back last year and the range of motion or mobility was not there. Flexibility just not there. Joints pretty much done for. But a friend of mine said try crossfit. Its strengthened the muscle around my joints to where I'm ok in lifting the heavy stuff now. Right now I'm struggling with the cardio part of it. When ever we do heavy lifts in crossfit I'm good.

    I understand the cardio esp. since I have mild exercise induced Asthma. Haven't puked yet, but pretty damn close. I'm going to class tonight to get my *kitten* handed to me again. Haaaa Gotta love it. From what I have seen thus far (not Level 1 yet either) every class is going to smoke me.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    This is Tabata week,lol. I'm gonna die.
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    I'm 46 and medium build - 5'10" and 192. I've been doing CF for about 10 months now and it still kicks my *kitten*! But everyone in our gym is at different fitness levels and they are all getting their butts handed to them. I feel good when I can out perform a younger seemingly fitter guy. I guess I'm the opposite of you - the cardio is hard but for me the heavy lifting days hurt.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I've gotten a little scared of pushin too hard lately. Can't stand not being able to catch my breath and the fell of my heart going a million miles a minute.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Is there a correlation in between the amount of muscle mass and your cardio conditioning? ie.. if you have more muscle mass, the more oxygen you use?

    I read somewhere that the MMA guys actually don't want to get too builky for this reason.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I know the less body weight I carry the easier the cardio side is. When I weighed 223 back a year ago and was running all the time I was okay and could do a mile in 7 min. Now at 240-250 its more like 10-11 minutes.
  • Scar1964
    Scar1964 Posts: 92 Member
    I know the less body weight I carry the easier the cardio side is. When I weighed 223 back a year ago and was running all the time I was okay and could do a mile in 7 min. Now at 240-250 its more like 10-11 minutes.

    That's like putting on a weighted vest and working out w/ it. It's going to make a huge difference. We did Curtis P's 400m run for 5 rounds last Thurs.. The blood was pumping so hard in my shoulders that when I ran to the point of near failure, I cut back to a near walk until the last round when I just wanted it all to be over. It's great to push yourself, but listen to your body and don't overdue it. Good luck man.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Feel your pain my man. Just turned 40 and in pretty good shape but the runs kill me! I would rather do 1000 burpess than a run.
    Obviously as you drop weight the cardio will get easier as you have less weight to carry around but I guess that's the beauty of CF, you excel at one thing but realise how crap you are at another - giving you the motivation and goals to improve.
    I love being able to keep up with the guys with push ups, sit ups, wall balls etc but they kick my *kitten* at the sprinting/running.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I keep asking the guy, hey when do we do fun stuff for me? Me and that tire need to get together,lol.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I read in Women's Running magazine (who knows how much there is to it) that every 10 lbs you lose, your running will most likely get about 5 secs faster per least if I remember correctly. It makes sense really, the more you're carrying the slower you are going to be....but I know that you are not necessarily talking about the speed.

    One of the bigger guys with more muscle mass at my 5:30am class hates the running as well and he has a harder time with it too...much more so than the smaller dudes. Personally I'm still a hefty girl at 235, 5'8" and it sucks for me too, and I was a consistent 5k'er up until job changes and moving screwed up my morning routine. My best time for a 5k ever was like 31 mins.

    I'm 38 years old and I'm dying after every class; and like everyone else mentioned, so is everyone else. It's a small ego boost for me when I can keep up and sometimes beat with 20-something girl with her perfect booty and shorty shorts on some strength things and I somehow own at burpees for some odd reason unbeknownst to me....but then I turn around and there is a little 50 year old vietnamese lady done with the WOD before all of us lol.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I'm 38 years old and I'm dying after every class; and like everyone else mentioned, so is everyone else. It's a small ego boost for me when I can keep up and sometimes beat with 20-something girl with her perfect booty and shorty shorts on some strength things and I somehow own at burpees for some odd reason unbeknownst to me....but then I turn around and there is a little 50 year old vietnamese lady done with the WOD before all of us lol.
  • Scar1964
    Scar1964 Posts: 92 Member
    And just think about it. We're paying for it. Live it Love it.

    @ Z I L L A - Tues. are Oly. lifting nights and last Tues. was my first. During the weight lifting I thought great, this ain't bad at all. Well, I did not realize that there was a 1600m row and then we had to work on one of our "goats" afterwards. At this point, that was easy to choose bc they are all "goats". No fun ones at our box either. Haaaa
  • I think this is what I love about Crossfit, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses at any age/shape. I can kill double unders, wall balls, box jumps, situps, running, rowing, some of the lifts, but suck donkey butt at pushups, pullups, toes to bar, handstand pushups, etc.