A MTP group for Autism Mommas?! I'm in heaven!

First, please ignore the typo in the topic title.


I can't even believe this group exists - I'm in heaven!

Life with my 4 y.o. with ASD son (non-verbal + rare chromosome duplication) rarely has time for me to lose that 50 lbs or so I've been meaning to since I had him in '09 - oh my! And every few months I usually say "screw it" and eat like there's no tomorrow because (a) I "deserve it" (since life can be less than grand & chocolate/pizza/wine are delicious), and (b) I have bigger problems in life than not liking the number on the scale (hence, bring on more chocolate/pizza/wine). Plus add my habit of eating a lot of his GFCF leftover (so many carbs!) has done a number on me.

I'm 10 days in on my latest effort and trying VERY HARD. For me, wheat does a number on me and so does sugar, so I'm trying to stay under 1500 a day, and fewer than 30g sugar. Having to look at the numbers of everything I've been eating has been a rude awakening (well, more a re-awakening, this isn't my first rodeo), but a much needed one.

I'm over being a hypocrite extolling the virtues of healthy eating in helping my Kiddo's ASD then wholeheartedly ignoring it when it comes to me.

And frig, I'd love to feel a little bit better about myself while I'm at it, and NOT DUCK out of every picture.

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • Hi, welcome to the group. It is always nice to see a new face around here. I hope that we can help you keep on track.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    sent you a friend request :)
  • Thanks ravenclawseek!
  • Delldgm
    Delldgm Posts: 27 Member

    I just laughed at reading your post, you said exactly how I feel most of the time. Yes we defiantly do deserve the chochie, pizza and wine. I quite often say to my girlfriend that with a diagnosis of a child on the spectrum there should be and automatic free pass on the effects of chocolate and wine, but alas no and hence we are all here and hopefully we can all work together so that we won't need to be here anymore and that the occasional "stuff it I'm having chocolate and wine moment" won't bite us too hard fair and square on the butt!

  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    I love your A & B! And I feel you! This year I sent a box of chocolates and a gift card for a bottle of wine to my son's(10, nvrbl, delayed to 2 yr old level) teachers, aides, therapists for Valentines with a card that said they deserve it more than anyone I know!

    I realized I needed to stop rewarding myself with food for dealing with his bad days one day in the mall when he was laying on the floor throwing a tantrum and all I could think was 'if I get him up we can hit the chocolate store.' Now I remind myself that I don't get those rewards because I need to live forever to take care of my baby boy! Okay not forever but you get the idea. Funny side effect, loosing weight and getting into better shape made me better able to help him through his tantrums or avoid them all together. Now we maybe the ones running through the mall instead of laying on the floor but I'll take it, the kid loves to run and now I can keep up with him :-)

    Okay I rambled enough! I think this losing weight thing for us is 3x as hard as for everyone else because of your A/B and C) making time for ourselves to workout or take care of ourselves. Anyway, it is possible, good luck and welcome!!
