
I'm a lurker but you CFers always have such great advice, I am hoping you can help.

I having been doing CF for about 6 weeks (4x week) and I am starting to get frustrated by my (perceived) lack of progress (both physical and capability). I think I need to set some goals for myself.

Did you set any goals for yourself in the beginning? What were they?


  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Your progress will come sooner than you realise. Early days yet. Don't forget you may not do the same WOD for another couple fo months, it is then that you will see the progress you have made.
    I set a few goals. One being rope climb, that was so scary for me but I looked it up on the net and my coach gave me some tips on different ways of positioning the rope around my foot and then - presto. They still scare me but I can do them.
    Another one is pull up, progressing to kipping pull ups. I started off with chin ups, got them sorted but am still working on the pull ups. I get to my box 10 min early to practice. Good luck - you will get there!