Newbie to MFP

Hi! I'm Jane, I'm 51 years old and have recently gotten serious about losing weight and becoming a healthier person. I have had diabetes for about 5 years. I have finally decided its time to get serious about my health and am starting to change my diet quite drastically. I'm trying to stay away from processed foods, and eating most all natural, whole foods. I have already seen a change for the better in my numbers. Losing 20 lbs. will hopefully get me off my medication and on a road to a healthier me. I have always I am determined to struggled with my weight and seem to do better for awhile, and then lose motivation (and put the lbs. back on) I currently have a couple of Leslie's tapes that I've had for a few years. Guess it's time to get them back out. Do you have any favorites?? Probably need to purchase a new one.
I certainly need encouragement and motivation by hearing others successes and motivators! Glad to have found this site!


  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site and Leslie programs rock! I would recommend going on and reading the reviews. There are so many different videos out that it is hard to recommend some without knowing what you like... I'm a fan of boosted intervals with strength and jogging. Five Fat Burning Miles is a favorite because the miles are separate if you don't have time for all of them, and they go by quickly!

    Good luck!