muscle weighs more than fat...blah ba blah ba blah.

jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
More than a little discouraged here y'all. I've been working my butt off for almost 2 months now. I lost 11 pounds in the first 30 days and was pretty stoked about that. Since then I am up 1/2 a pound. I started about 45 pounds over weight. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but Insanity is mostly cardio and its not like I have all these new muscles popping out. Everyone says the 2nd month is when you see more results. Well, I only have 2 days and 2 weeks to go. I sure hope they come soon. Oh, by the nutrition is by the book, so thats not the issue. Anyone else having or had these issues? Help!


  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    More than a little discouraged here y'all. I've been working my butt off for almost 2 months now. I lost 11 pounds in the first 30 days and was pretty stoked about that. Since then I am up 1/2 a pound. I started about 45 pounds over weight. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but Insanity is mostly cardio and its not like I have all these new muscles popping out. Everyone says the 2nd month is when you see more results. Well, I only have 2 days and 2 weeks to go. I sure hope they come soon. Oh, by the nutrition is by the book, so thats not the issue. Anyone else having or had these issues? Help!

    Muscle does not weigh more than FAT, it occupies less space and is more dense, 1lb of FAT weighs the same as 1lb of muscle. Have you taken your measurements? They will give you a better picture of progress over the number on your scale for sure. 11 pounds lost in the past 2 months is great progress!
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for the response. Yes, I have taken my measurements. I hear a lot of people say you have to look at other measurables, like your stomach, waist, neck, hips, the way your clothes fit, etc. Well, again I haven't seen significant results in any of those areas since the 30 day mark.

    Most people in this situation will probably say..."well, you must be eating wrong then". Not so. I've never eaten more clean in my life. I have been very strict to stick to the nutrition plan. If anything, I have been under the calorie intake goal by a little.
  • lapocienta
    lapocienta Posts: 39 Member
    I have not started yet any BeachBody program but taking out the picture the question 'Does the program deliver?', I can think of two things.

    * Maybe you're not eating enough. If you're eating too few calories (relative to your activity level) then your body will struggle to show some progress. That was my particular case this last month. How are you feeling? Do you feel too tired? Full of energy? I changed my diet, started to eat more and the progress was visible again. Remember you shouldn't be eating under your BMR needs.

    * Maybe your body changed a lot in a very short period of time and now it's taking its time to readjust and start showing progress again. It happens. Just keep at it. Physiology is not really fond of linear progressions.

    11 lbs in a month is a lot. You have lost 25% of your excess weight :D I think congratulations are in order.

    On the other hand, muscle does weight more than fat depending on the point of view.
    1 lb fat = 1 lb muscle (same weight, variable volume)
    weight of 1 cm3 fat < weight of 1 cm3 muscle. (fixed volume, variable weight)

    The better way to put it is as LisaGirlfrien said: muscle is more dense than fat, the same way mercury is more dense than water, so 1lt of mercury will be heavier than 1lt of water. However, a pound of each will weight, of course, a pound but will occupy a different volume.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    you gotta switch it up...youur muscles are getting too used to it and figuring out ways to do the same exercise with less energy-plateau-injury-setbacks-crying