Weeky Chat Thread Mon 2/18 to Sun 2/24



  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I did Fire 60/Upper 20 today. I'm seeing more muscle tone in my arms for sure, but man some of the moves in upper 20 are really hard to push through. I'm getting all my scheduled workouts for the week in, but switching up the calander a tad so I have my rest day or a shorter or easier workout on the days I have to work.
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    12 weeks of Turbofire and all I got was a this t-shirt :)
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Yay for the T-shirt! I know they're a little heavy on the marketing and coach networks but Beachbody sure know how to motivate you! I wonder if they ship the tees internationally (I'm in the UK).

    Had an awesome Fire 30 workout tonight. I enjoyed it so much and have a face like a beetroot!
    Going to get 20 minutes of yoga in before bed.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well, I officially feel like an old lady at 29. I've had big toe joint pain for a couple of years now, off and on- doesn't affect my walking at all, it hurts AFTER activity when I'm sitting. So, 2 years ago my doctor got an xray to check for abnormalities and told me that there is an itty bitty bunion forming there and that I have the physical makeup for them to re-form if it goes away or to get worse as I get older. I didn't think much of it because the pain really was off and on and was brief- didn't bother me a lot. ALL THROUGH the nine months I was running regularly? No increase in pain. Jump to the beginning of this year when I started exercising 6 days a week with turbofire/ turbo jam? AUGH. Pain's increased. Apparently the jumping and pivoting movements are more upsetting to my poor little foot than running is. I emailed my doctor and asked her what I should do. She doesn't think a specialist is necessary yet, she thinks I can do things myself to correct the bunion and heal it. To start, she wants me to go somewhere where I can get athletic shoes properly fitted and have someone assess my gait since I just buy regular old $50 shoes from a department store. So i'll head to a specialty store this weekend called Shoes-n-feet that has a machine that assesses things and where they can help me get proper insoles and shoes (Ouch, I'm sure this won't be cheap. Good thing I just got my tax refund recently!). I don't wear heels regularly- I actually wear dansko clogs most of the time, but she thinks I need more padding around the joint to cushion it. There are streches and decives you can buy and wear at night that have helped some people but haven't been medically proven to help- but hey, worth a try right? So this will be my newest challenge to overcome. The pain towards the end of my TF workouts has gotten worse and worse. So today I'm just going to do whatever workout I feel like doing and definitely not a HIIT. Damn feet, I should have known- my grandma has horrible feet and I tend to take after her physically/medically. *sigh*

    Butterfly, cute pics!! 100 days of TF is no joke!!

    kiekie, migraines- augh! I feel your pain. I get those once every month or two. Miserable.

    preshusgem, good for you for exercising on your rest day! I look so forward to my rest days. Especially lately with the foot pain!
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    LOL, that's cute butterfly. How do you get a shirt? I did 20 weeks and I want one too. :) I forget how you get one. I have been pushing play. I did fire 60 today. I was to do fire 30 20 min intrval run and 5 mins of curnchs. Makes no sense to me to do that so I did fire 60 and got a great sweat on. I like this schudle it's intense for my better, then the CLX/TF hybrid beachbody gives you. Don't get me wrong I wasn't ready at that time for a harder one, just that it would be to easy for me now. I am doing her CLX/TF Janelle Summers hybrid. For anyone looking for an other mix of schedule here is a link:


    I don't know her or anything just came up when I searched the schedule. Keep pushing play ladies!!!! :)
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    congrats on the 100 days!

    I want a shirt...I need to submit my measurements and beginning photo...
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    That's freakin amazing, butterfly.

    I've decided that the only routine I like in Fire 45 class is the finale and that's the one Chalene messes up!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I wonder if Janelle Summers is Chalene Johnson's sister. I know her sister Janelle is in Turbo Fire and the one Chalean Extreme workout I have.
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    I wonder if Janelle Summers is Chalene Johnson's sister. I know her sister Janelle is in Turbo Fire and the one Chalean Extreme workout I have.

    Yes, Janelle Summers is Chalene's little sister. It's in the Meet the Cast at the end of the workouts and on CLX's Burn Circuit 1.
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    SORRY, I went back and reread what I wrote. So sorry ladies for the mistakes. Sometimes my brain goes faster then my fingers. :laugh: I usaully pre-read before I post but I didn't. Anyway I am NOT a good speller so just an FYI......... Make it a great friday!

    PS. One of my friends said this quote today and I thought it was cool. She said "If you stand on your tip toes you can see friday." :love:
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I did HIIT 20 + Sculpt 30 yesterday, and will be doing Fire 55EZ today. I loved HIIT 20, yesterday was the first time I'd done it, and I always feel it the next day after doing Sculpt or Tone! My right side is definitely stronger than my left so I'm working to improve my left side, too.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    SLR - me too....first time for both actually (I've been skipping the "toning and strength" workouts the first few weeks). I did like the HIIT 20. I had been doing the Low HIITs but wanted a change.

    I missed Fire 55 this morning. I couldn't get out of bed. I might switch around a bit and do the stretch this evening. I feel like I need it. do the 55 workout tomorrow.

    I really want to start running again too but I want to make it through one round of TF!! they need to make a hybrid schedule for running and TF :happy:
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    @Amber in the Janelle Summers Hybrid they say run or do this so I guess that could work for your kinda hybrid. :) I personally hate running. I used to run track and was pretty good at it but always got shine splints. No more running for me. I know Charlean and Janelle are runners, I think that is why it says that in the CLX/TF hybrid. Glad you like it you can run extra for me. LOL
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm starting Turbo Fire tomorrow, 2/23. I've done random TF workouts here and there, but I've never fully committed to following the schedule. Well that all changes tomorrow, as I'm following the 12-week schedule and will most likely do the full 20-week schedule. But for now, I'm taking things one week at a time! :)

    I'm glad to see there's a TF group on here.

  • neekos
    neekos Posts: 14
    Hey everyone! My TF is on its way and I'll be doing the fire starter or whatever the one is that she sends in the email when it ships. Can't wait to get started
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Turbo Fire day 1 - Fire 30 DONE and in the books for today!

    I missed doing my Turbo workouts!

  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Did Hiit 25 for the first time....LOVED IT!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Turbo Fire Day 2 - HIIT 15 and Lower 20 DONE! 346 cals burned

    Let me just say, that those little 15 minutes in HIIT 15 literally kicked my tail! Wow, what a jam-packed workout! I added TF Lower 20 to my workout because I really need to work on my lower body. It's definitely my 'trouble' area - hips, booty and thighs, ugh. I think I'll add Lower 20 at least 3X a week.

    My obliques were really sore from Fire 30 yesterday too. My abs felt tight all day; guess that's a good thing. :)

    Tomorrow is a scheduled 'rest' day. Question is, should I really rest or do something?

  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Monie, taking a rest day is up to you. I know TF recommends it, in fact I was surprised to see in the disclaimer that you shouldn't do it more than 3 or 4 days in a row, considering the schedule has you doing it for 6 days in a row before a rest day. I, personally don't take one, I usually go back to my "first love" Jillian Michaels.
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    @Starlage How'd the shoe search go? Hope your feet get some relief!

    My daughter and I are now sick with strep! I haven't been sick in years and this has knocked me on my *kitten*!:sick: I didn't do yesterdays Fire 30/Abs 10 and just rested with the hopes of feeling better and making it up today - ha! I woke up feeling worse. Anyway, I did do my Core 20 and 20 minutes of pilates this morning. I plan on doing today's Stretch 40 and making up Abs 10 at some point today, but the intensity of Fire 30 will have to wait.

    @Poeticmoe Some weeks I take an official rest day and others I don't, just listen to your body and don't over do it. I'd said when I got to the advanced dvds, I would... but I've still been trying to add in extra strength routines. When I first started, I was so pumped to have found a fitness program I loved I added to many extra workouts and burnt myself out a little. I actually want to tak more rest days once I finish up the 20 week program, but it is hard for me trying to find a good balance of family, work and working out.