Team Jillian - Week 7 Weigh In

Hey Team!! I hope everyone had a fabulous week :smile: I am so proud of our teams success in the first half of this challenge.

Please post your pw and cw to this thread before Wednesday morning at 9am. Lets keep our team together for another next week! :happy:

We got this team! Whoo hoo!! :bigsmile: Good Luck everyone!


  • Hyder1
    Hyder1 Posts: 30
    PW 225.8
    CW 225.8
  • Hyder1
    Hyder1 Posts: 30
    For April__Nicole1981

    PW 156
    CW 156
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    CW: 179.2

  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    PW: 225.4
    CW: 222.4

    Loss of 3 pounds. Yayyy!!!

    I have lost a total of 18 pounds on this challenge!
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    PW: 225.4
    CW: 222.4

    Loss of 3 pounds. Yayyy!!!

    I have lost a total of 18 pounds on this challenge!

    That is soo AWESOME!!!!
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    PW: 196.8
    CW: 196

    .08 lbs lost:sad:
    Sorry team:sad: , didn't have a good week last week. But I am back on track this week.
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    Sorry, this is in error
  • tnpfaff
    PW (1/29/2013) = 236.9
    CW (2/5/2013) = 237.8

    Gained .9

    Really sorry team. Had a surprise jump this morning.
  • whiskeyhut
    whiskeyhut Posts: 59 Member
    PW 150.5
    CW 147.5

    Yah! I'm so happy and so skepitical. Everytime I lose weight like that it comes back the following week. Anybody have any thoughts on if Asparatame is impeeding their weight loss?
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    PW: 196.8
    CW: 196

    .08 lbs lost:sad:
    Sorry team:sad: , didn't have a good week last week. But I am back on track this week.

    Sounds like a good week to me :)
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    PW 150.5
    CW 147.5

    Yah! I'm so happy and so skepitical. Everytime I lose weight like that it comes back the following week. Anybody have any thoughts on if Asparatame is impeeding their weight loss?

    Aspartame is soooo bad for you. The hardest thing for me to do in my life was quit drinking diet pop. It was even harder than quitting smoking. Its pure chemicals and I decided I didnt want that in my life anymore. Switching to Splenda I thought was much better turns out its not its another chemical thats bad for you. So I am now using Stevia and it took a little getting used to but i do feel so much better. I used to wake up achy and dont anymore :)

    Ummm..sorry guess I went off on a tangent ;) About aspartame and weight loss I believe it does affect weight loss. I have an article I just read Ill inbox it to you.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    PW 150.5
    CW 147.5

    Yah! I'm so happy and so skepitical. Everytime I lose weight like that it comes back the following week. Anybody have any thoughts on if Asparatame is impeeding their weight loss?

    Maybe for some? I drink a small can of Diet Coke (or, as I call it, "Baby Diet Coke" :-)) every day for lunch and haven't had a problem, but it might effect others differently. Do you always weigh in at the same time? That can make a difference, too... Just keep at it! Your pounds will melt away!
  • whiskeyhut
    whiskeyhut Posts: 59 Member
    PW 150.5
    CW 147.5

    Yah! I'm so happy and so skepitical. Everytime I lose weight like that it comes back the following week. Anybody have any thoughts on if Asparatame is impeeding their weight loss?

    Aspartame is soooo bad for you. The hardest thing for me to do in my life was quit drinking diet pop. It was even harder than quitting smoking. Its pure chemicals and I decided I didnt want that in my life anymore. Switching to Splenda I thought was much better turns out its not its another chemical thats bad for you. So I am now using Stevia and it took a little getting used to but i do feel so much better. I used to wake up achy and dont anymore :)

    Ummm..sorry guess I went off on a tangent ;) About aspartame and weight loss I believe it does affect weight loss. I have an article I just read Ill inbox it to you.

    Thank you, You actually answered my Splenda instead question too that I was thinking about on the way to work :)
  • mgeaux
    mgeaux Posts: 41 Member
    pw 253
    cw 253
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    pw: 169.0
    cw: 169.2

    Sorry guys, I've been going through some personal stuff lately and my mind just hasn't been on the challenge. I'm trying to get back on track this week. Good luck to everyone.
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    PW: 190
    CW: 189

  • LeighAnnaMS
    PW: 239.1
    CW; 237.4

    Hoping for a better week this week, I will be travelling for work until Feb 28th so I am really make a plan to ensure success.
  • LeighAnnaMS
    I am sooo proud of our team with this weeks results to far!! Keep it up :smile: We are going to win another week, I know it! :drinker:
  • misprintedlies17
    misprintedlies17 Posts: 77 Member
    PW: 120.4
    CW: 119
  • rrakcarter
    rrakcarter Posts: 85 Member
    Pw. 164
    CW. 163

    It's only a pound but I am starting to notice changes in my clothing. Started lifting this week and that felt good. Increased running time and that is always helpful. Good luck.